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Presiden's wild wife novel Chapter 187

As soon as Logan and Elena arrived home, they got the call from Zach. “Elena! Did you give any bad advice to my pure Sophia?”

Well, it was Logan speaking. He frowned and answered in a cold tone, “What? You have some objections?”

Logan’s voice? Zach smiled at once and quickly changed his tone, “Of course not! I am calling to thank Elena for her wonderful advice! I love it! She is the best adviser in the world! She made Sophia show her true face. Sophia is so cute! I love it!”

Zach was getting better at lying. Elena could hear what Zach was yelling in the phone. She couldn’t help laughing because it was so funny. Then she got the phone and said, “Thank you for your compliment.”

Zach hung up with his grievance.

But now Elena was a bit puzzled, “How do you two know I gave Sophia advice?”

And they were so certain about that, which made she unhappy. ‘Am I a scheming woman in their eyes?’ She thought.

“Still confused?” Logan gave her a quick glance.

Elena shook her head, “Yes. How do you know?”

“Well, Sophia didn’t do anything to Zach before you went to see her. Can you understand now?”

‘Oh! That was the reason?’ Elena understood at once.

She sighed, looking regretful, “I shouldn’t have said anything to Sophia! Now you all knew it!”

Logan rubbed her head gently, smiling at her.

Elena was a bit angry, “Then it’s your fault!”

“Why do you blame it on me?” Logan felt a bit surprised.

Elena was complaining, “It’s you! You brought me to his house, so I got the chance to talk to Sophia!”

Though it was nonsense, he didn’t argue. Instead, he looked at her with affection, saying in a mild tone, “Well, if my memory is right, you asked Jacob to drive to his house…”

She stared at him, so he stopped talking at once.

How could she be so cute when she was being unreasonable? He wondered himself and pinched her hand with affection. Elena leaned on him and read the magazine.

After a while, her phone rang. She picked it up slowly, “Hello, this is…”


She suddenly yelled out. She looked so shocked and frightened. Her hands couldn’t help trembling, holding the phone. Logan didn’t know what happened. When he turned to her, she looked so pale! Then she repeated the news, “You mean, Emma committed suicide?!”

Logan looked stern now. Elena put down the phone with a trembling hand. She was frozen. She didn’t know what to do now. After a while, she parted her lips.

“Logan…we should go to the hospital…now.”

Logan embraced her in his arms gently, patting her back to soothe her, “Relax…”

Elena’s mind went blank. She was too shocked to think and feel.

Logan sighed, and then asked Jacob to drive them to the hospital.


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