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Presiden's wild wife novel Chapter 207

Elena was so moved by Grandpa George’s remarks. All the people in the Browns were so heartless, but to her surprise, Grandpa George was the exception. However, his son, Cornel, had nothing in common with him.

Grandpa George was so clever that he could tell what Elena was thinking about Cornel, “Cornel wasn’t like that at first. However, he was so stupid to have an affair with Jacqueline and cheated on Logan’s mother. I thought they could live happily together…”

But sometimes things didn’t turn out the way they expected…

“Grandpa, I am afraid Logan didn’t want to hear that.”

In fact, Logan hadn’t moved on from the past. What happened years ago was the last thing that Logan would like to talk about.

Grandpa George was silent. He had nothing to say but to agree, “Well, I know. I won’t talk about it to Logan.”

“So Grandpa, did you eat something?” Elena started to change the subject.

He waved his hands, “Yes. Well, I know that KL seems to be in trouble, so I am here for that. Since everything is OK, I don’t have to worry about that.”


Grandpa George didn’t stay for long. He left alone, which made Elena feel that he was so lonely.

Logan went downstairs after Grandpa George left, and he asked Elena, “What did Grandpa say?”

“Nothing. He was here to bring you medicine.” She showed him the medicine.

Logan didn’t doubt, “Put it away. I’ll ask the doctor if it can be used on my wound later.”

“Alright.” Then she put it on a desk and walked into the kitchen, to make breakfast for him.

After a while, she received a call from Zach. It sounded that he took the credit, “Elena, how about my justice warriors? They had made wise comments on the Internet. They did such a wonderful job, right?”

“I know it’s you!”

“You know it’s me?!” Zach was excited, “You are always wise and intelligent!”

“Don’t flatter me.”

“Come on, I am just telling the truth!”

Elena rolled her eyes while hearing his nonsense. Thinking of Sophia, she asked Zach, “How about Sophia? Is she alright?”

“Sophia? She is good, babbling, babbling all the day!” While talking, he couldn’t help but looked at Sophia who was in the living room.

Sophia heard someone talking, so she looked at Zach and asked, “What are you looking at?”

“You, of course! Can’t you see that you are all in my eyes?”

Sophia blushed and angry because once again he said it in a joking tone. She walked to him to give him a punch, but Zach quickly moved to the balcony.

Elena heard the noise. She curled her lip and asked, “Zach, are you serious… about Sophia?”

“Of course, I am!” He blurted out, looking so serious right now.

Elena clenched her fist, but took a breath of relief, “Then did you know that Anna came to her?”


“Few days ago.”

His face was darkening, “Well, Sophia didn’t tell me anything about it.”

He was thinking. He realized that Sophia was in a bad mood these days. If Anna came to her, this could explain her bad mood.

Elena took a deep breath and continued, “Well, I don’t want to interfere in your stuff. But I have to tell you that Sophia feel insecure. And you lied to her. You should know she couldn’t get over it. And now Anna is getting in the way! If you really want to be with Sophia, you should tell her what you are thinking and offer her sense of security.”


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