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Presiden's wild wife novel Chapter 208

Sophia gave a punch on his chest and rolled her eyes, “What? I don’t envy her at all! What are you talking about?”

“Then answer me. Why don’t you tell me that Anna talked to you? What did she say to you?”

“It’s girl’s talk. It’s none of your business.” She pursed her lips, showing unwillingness to tell the truth.

Zach raised his eyebrows and said, “Your business is my business!”

“Let go of me!” She yelled at him, ignoring his crazy remarks.

But Zach didn’t feel angry with her, pulled her and looked into her eyes with a smile, “I need you to tell me; are you willing to be with me if I tell you that Anna and I are over and you are the only one in my heart now.”

Hearing his serious confession, Sophia stopped struggling. She was frozen. He looked so serious now that she couldn’t ignore him anymore.


“I am here!” He nodded, “Tell me, your answer.”

“I…” She didn’t know what to say. It happened so suddenly. She didn’t have any preparation and didn’t know what to do next.

Zach cupped her face with his hands, “I’ve worked so hard to get close to you. Could you please make one step forward? Please! For the sake of me.”

She still didn’t know what to do, standing there blankly. Zach smiled, letting her go and taking a step back.

She subconsciously reached for him, but he dodged agilely.

“Sophia, please think it through; we only get one shot. Anna was only in my past; she can’t be an obstacle to us. I love you, please don’t push me away…”

Sophia didn’t know what he meant, but saw he standing there so close to her.

“If you want me, come and get me.”

“Zach…” She hesitated, “Just give me more time, OK? I don’t know…”

She didn’t dare to make any decision. She was frightened that it wasn’t a decision but a fault.

Zach shook his head, smiling, “I’ve been waiting for so long. I know what you are afraid of. But trust me, I will prove that you are the only one I love.”

Sophia was moved, starting to cry. Her arms were even trembling.

She was still hesitating…

Zach knew how she was feeling right now; it must be a mess in her head. So he didn’t push her, waiting for her answer patiently.

After a while, she stared at him with crying eyes, “Are you silly? I didn’t refuse you; why don’t you just take it as yesc?”

Zach was laughing, running to her and embracing her. “Are you unwilling to hold my hand?”

“Are you a man?” She wiped her tears and complained, “I was just being timid. And since you have done so much for me, why don’t you just take one more step to get me?”

She was being so unreasonable now. But she was doing everything in such a cute way.

Zach looked at her with affection, “I am sorry. It’s my fault. Could you please forgive me?”


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