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Presiden's wild wife novel Chapter 416

In a short time, the house was properly tidied up, Mia happily went to the kitchen to make food for several people, this end of George Brown's side of the letter also could not help but immediately send a series of tonic things to the two people.

When they saw Cornel again, Elena was talking with Logan in the living room, and the person standing there made the two freeze.


Elena was a little surprised and got up in a hurry, holding her back, "When did you come over? How come you didn't say anything?"

Logan pulled her back into a seat, his hands clasped her waist to keep her from moving around, "What's wrong with being nice, sit at ease."

He finished his sentence before turning his eyes to Cornel, "When did you get here? Did Grandpa tell you?"

Cornel nodded and looked deeply at him, "I heard your grandfather say you were coming back, so I came to see, Elena ......" eyes fell on Elena's bulging belly, "Is the baby okay? "

"Good, it's due in a few days." Logan's tone was flat, no one could see the joy or sadness on his face.

"So... ......"

Cornel looked at him cautiously, only to feel that the two were extraordinarily strange and did not fit together in any way.

Logan gave him a sidelong glance and hooked his lips in a smile, "What, did you say the Browns were okay today, or did you go see Jacqueline before you came over?"

"Logan! Why do you have to hold on to the past?" Cornel face displeased, "You should know, I only to Jacqueline and the girls because of guilt, if not me, they would not have died unjustly ......"

"Wrongful death?" A chill ran through the man's eyes, "Cornel, do you know what it means to die unjustly?"

In his definition of the world, what is really wrongful death, Jacqueline and Yolanda that is self-seeking death, no one forced them, the road is their own to go, life is their own to give up.

Cornel upper and lower lips moved slightly, in the end just a deep breath, "in the end ...... you are still resenting, all blame me ......"

"No." Logan denied decisively, "I never want to get involved in your business, and I don't want to bother."

"Logan! People are dead, can't you be more generous and just pretend it's all over?"

"In the past." Logan frowned, "Cornel, it's you who still doesn't get it, I'm long past it, you're the one who's obsessed!"

It's him, it's him who is thinking about Jacqueline and Yolanda, even though it's long gone, he still can't get it out of his mind!

Cornel wordlessly squeezed his palm and looked aside at Elena, his clenched hand tightening and loosening, "Elena, I want to have a good talk with Logan, you ......"

"She doesn't have to hold back." Logan clasped her hand.

Elena didn't take it to heart and smiled slightly, "It's okay, I'll go see what Mia has cooked, you two can have a good talk."

The man's tightly furrowed brow could not be stretched for a moment, holding her hand reluctant to let go.

Elena patted the back of his hand soothingly, "Come on, it's nothing, you guys sit down, I'm going to find Mia!"


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