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Presiden's wild wife novel Chapter 417

Cornel was exasperated by his nonchalant attitude, "If that's the case, then why did you take Elena with you to avoid all of the Fords' investigations!"

As soon as the words left my mouth, a sharp eye swept over, "Who told you that I was telling Elena to hide from the Fords?"

"Your every word and deed speaks of what you yourself have done!" Cornel trembled, "from the beginning I began to suspect, the Fords first contacted me when you happened to take Elena out of the country to take a break, I only took it as Jacqueline's matter to give you guys a hard time, you do not want to continue to face, so did not associate together, but now ......"

Cornel met his eyes straight on without a trace of warmth, "I can even confirm 100% that the reason you let Elena go with you to Grandmother's place was not to nurse her but to avoid the Fords finding Elena!"

"Shut up!"

Logan gave a low bellow, "Don't exit freely without any logical guesses, or else ......"

"Or else what?" Cornel is now completely open-minded, talking without any obstruction, "Otherwise what? What else can you do to me? I am your father! Are you trying to bring me down too!

"Cornel, don't think you're getting ahead of yourself just because you know something!"

The man's eyes were fierce, and the threatening intent entrapped in his eyes could not be ignored.

Cornel took a deep breath couldn't help but laugh out loud, "Logan, you really have changed, a little Elena has completely made you do a change, let you become completely ......"

"Even if I change again, then I am still the same Logan!"

"But that Elena is a plague! She's a curse!" Cornel's voice drew up a few notches, an old face trembling as his whole body screamed.

Logan's cold eyes narrowed slightly, "Calamity?"

Elena is a calamity, what about Jacqueline? What about Yolanda?

Is it true that in his world, whoever is disapproved of is a calamity?

Cornel nodded fearlessly, then snorted out, "Didn't he? You and I can see for ourselves what has happened since she appeared! First, the Bushes' family died, and finally she was left with Elena ......, who is not her own daughter."

Logan's gaze was like a sharp blade ruthlessly lingering on him, Cornel squeezed his palm, pretending not to notice.

"Then ......the Browns followed with a sea change, Yolanda committed suicide and Jacqueline jumped into the river ......"

"That has nothing to do with her!" Logan clenched his silver teeth, "If you must count it, then count it on my head!"

Jacqueline's affair was planned and designed by him, and Yolanda's affair was also investigated by him personally, no wonder Elena, to the end, she was likewise the last one to know.

Cornel clearly wasn't buying it, "I know you want to excuse her, but do you think I'm going to believe that?"


"Logan!" Cornel suddenly stood up and snapped his shoulders, "Come to your senses, take a good look and do the math, what the hell has happened since Elena got into the Browns, and now, the Fords are because of her eyes on ......"

"That's enough!" Logan waved his hand away.

Cornel was originally defenseless, so a push, the whole person can not control the sofa to the side planted.

Cornel fell on the soft leather sofa, the body did not feel any pain, but at this time, the heart is like a mouth was cut open, the pain he grimaced.


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