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Punished by His Love (FULL book) novel Chapter 363

Read Chapter 363 – 364 of the Novel Punished by His Love.

Chapter 363

Rayna temporarily found a pair of cotton trousers to wear in the cold winter in the office as a temporary replacement.

And Suzi, the pants he wears today are very thin.

In other words, if she were to sit on this broken chair instead, she might die by piercing her intestines.

“Suzi! Why is your new employee so vicious? Do you know that this is a crime of malicious harm!” Standing outside the emergency room, the manager of the personnel department scolded Suzi.

Suzi asked quietly: “I am a new employee who just came to work for two days, where did I get such a chair?”

Personnel Manager: “…”

After a while, the HR manager said gruntly: “They…all said that you pushed this chair over to Miss Min.”

“Yeah! Where did I push this chair from?”

“Where did you come from? From your own seat! This should have been your chair! Suzi! Don’t follow me with this set of soft and hard tricks. Go and explain to the police!” The manager was Shen. Suzi’s unsatisfactory answer is irritating, and he wants to hit someone.

Suzi suddenly smiled: “Manager, do you want to tell me that when I just came, you will give me a broken chair that can kill my life. You did not invite me to work, but want to I was deliberately plotting to murder me, but I saw through your trickery, so I passed this misfortune to Rayna, right?”

Personnel Manager: “…”

After a long while, she asked angrily: “What the hell is going on!”

Suzi sneered lightly: “Then you can watch the surveillance!”

After speaking, he turned and left.

Suzi went back to his office directly and waited for the company to deal with it.

When the office guy saw Suzi coming back, he was scared to speak for a long time at first. Later, Linda was still courageous. She came to Suzi and said in a weird manner: “You woman! We really look at you. Wandering, you are brave enough!

Even Rayna dared to frame him.

They were framed and admitted to the hospital.

It really impressed me. “

“Jealous?” Suzi asked.

“What?” Linda didn’t understand.

Suzi’s face was calm and unwavering: “I was jealous of Jun Arrong on the first day I came to work? I was jealous of my keen insight. At a glance, I saw that my swivel chair was moved by Rayna. Then he returned the swivel chair to Rayna, and escaped a disaster?

To be more precise, you originally wanted to watch a scene where I was pierced by a bench and wailed to death. The camera missed you, so you were jealous and annoyed. That’s why your attitude towards me is so bitter and mean now.

Am I right? “

Linda was annoyed: “What nonsense are you talking about! What are you squirting! You are bloody squirting!”

“I’m bloody, or if you don’t report it, it depends on the law. I’m sorry I am not a judge, I can’t make it!” Suzi shrugged innocently.

As soon as the words were spoken, everyone persuaded.

They have forgotten that there is still the law. They always had the mentality of looking at the jokes at first. Anyway, it was Rayna who made fun of people. Besides, they really didn’t expect the one that Rayna had pushed. Chairs will kill people.

“What do you want!” Linda’s tone was obviously softened.

Suzi’s eyes darkened as well, and she said quietly, “I don’t want anything, I just want to work hard.”

Chapter 364

Nancheng has always been a place of right and wrong for Suzi. This is destined since she first came to Nancheng at the age of twelve. Therefore, Suzi has long ignored the situation encountered when she first came to work in the company. Child.


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