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Punished by His Love (FULL book) novel Chapter 365

Read Chapter 365 – 366 of the Novel Punished by His Love.

Chapter 365

Linda: “…”

The director immediately scolded: “Linda! As a company employee, you can’t talk nonsense if you don’t see things with your own eyes! Suzi, now you tell me what happened to Rayna’s injury!”

Is it because Xiaosan is the director of her?

However, the employee under her hand injured a person during work. This is a major event. What’s more, the employee is still a newcomer. The director thought to himself that she might be able to open Suzi today.

Too many things!

She looked at Suzi with solemn eyes, to see how Suzi answered.

As a result, Suzi calmly said: “Director, I think the personnel department, logistics department, and security department will give you and me the best answer. Since you are my leader, please help me deal with it now. Take this one!”

The director looked at Suzi and nodded, “That’s good.”

The two went to the personnel department together. After the director negotiated with the personnel department, he called in the logistics management staff and went to the monitoring room together.

After the surveillance was called out, they found that Rayna went to the logistics warehouse silently, found a scrapped chair, sneaked it onto Suzi’s seat, and then replaced Suzi’s chair. . After Suzi came back, he returned the chair to Rayna’s seat.

Rayna sat down without knowing it and was injured.

The director, the personnel manager, and the security department all had nothing to say.

“Is there anything else?” Suzi asked, looking at the director.

Director: “…” This is really a hot potato.

If you don’t deal with Suzi, after Rayna recovers from her injury, she won’t be able to explain to several big bosses. If Suzi is fired, don’t look at the new employee who is quiet and honest, but from Suzi Yes, it’s not a soft persimmon.

What can I do?

The director called Suzi to his office and said earnestly: “Suzi, you just came here and didn’t understand the situation. You can’t offend Rayna in the company. Rayna is our company’s major shareholder Darius. Cousin.

In our company, she is the existence of relatives of the emperor.

In this way, you hide at home for two days.

Come back when she is angry! “

Suzi nodded: “Okay.”

She knew that her job should be over.

If I wanted a salary, I just thought about it for two days, so forget it.

This evening, Suzi left work with a little melancholy. She wanted this job more. Despite this and that situation, as long as the personnel department and the design director did not fire her, she would continue to do it here. She was not afraid of gossip. , Not afraid of Rayna’s finding fault.

She just wants a job.

However, this little wish could not be realized.

Forget it, let’s continue looking for work tomorrow.

Suzi walked from one person to the bus station, and when she turned a corner at the intersection, a car stopped in front of her.

Suzi was startled. When he saw the insider in the car window, Suzi was even more shocked: “You… why are you here?”

Chapter 366

“Can you drive?” Arron asked in the car.

Suzi was inexplicable, but still answered: “No.”

Christopher next to him said a little more: “Madam, in this era when everyone has a driver’s license, why don’t you know how to drive?”


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