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Punished by His Love (FULL book) novel Chapter 403

Read Chapter 403 – 404 of the Novel Punished by His Love.

Chapter 403

She absolutely does not allow any woman to violate her mother’s territory.

Suzi was still absent-minded: “Yeah.”

Just chatting with my daughter, a family of three arrived at the old house of Fu’s family.

This is the third time Suzi has come here.

The first time, on the day she was just released from prison, she was taken here by Arron in a daze. She still remembers that the backyard here was where the Fu family’s servants lived, and then there was the mountain stream gorge, which can be descended along the vine. The kind deep in the bottom of the mountain.

Thinking of this, Suzi couldn’t help but sigh in his heart that the Fu family is really rich. It is impossible to build such a magnificent mansion on this place close to the top of the mountain, and to be able to climb up and look far away, there is a mountain stream behind him, and it is impossible for anyone to come up and robbery.

The rich are the rich.

Even the domestic helpers who go in and out of this house are different from what ordinary people wear. Suzi thought to himself that if he can be a domestic helper, his salary should be at least a few thousand per month, right?

Suzi still remembers that when she entered this house for the first time six years ago, several young maids in it treated her with contempt and contempt.

Now, what would the maids think if they knew that she and Arron were married and had a child?

However, seeing his outfit again in a blink of an eye, Suzi couldn’t help but laugh at himself.

Shen’s only mother, Arron’s wife, but you still have no status.

It is also possible that a senior maid here has a higher status than you.

When he walked outside the main entrance of the Fu’s Villa with his only hand, Suzi involuntarily stopped.

Because Suzi suddenly remembered the situation where she was accused by the whole upper class six years ago.

She didn’t have the courage to step in again.

“What’s the matter?” Arron looked at her. The only one raised his little face and looked at Suzi: “What’s the matter, mother?”

“That…” Suzi rarely lied, so for a while, she couldn’t think of a reasonable lie. After a few seconds, she had an idea: “I…I …”

“What the hell is going on!” Arron asked.

“I’m on an official holiday.” Suzi said with a blush.

Arron: “…”

“Just now, I can feel that I have to find a place to buy sanitary napkins. I see a supermarket at the foot of the mountain. I will buy a pack. Otherwise, I will make a fool of myself later.” This argument is reasonable.

Suzi admired his wit.

Arron’s eyes were obviously displeased, and even Suzi could see something in his eyes, disappointed?

Why are you disappointed?

Do you really want to have a second child?

That’s it!

However, he said to her: “I called Christopher to pick you up and asked him to take you to buy it. He was waiting for you at the gate of the supermarket. He didn’t know what you bought when you brought the bag. He sent you back here.”

Suzi: “…” Although Christopher followed, she couldn’t escape, but at this moment, it’s a moment to escape.

Christopher came, drove Suzi to buy sanitary napkins, and soon returned. Christopher sent her to the house and said to Suzi before leaving, “Madam, in fact, Master brought you here today. The only purpose of the house is to let the people in the old house know the identity of your Mrs. Fu.”

Suzi smiled faintly: “Really? Thank you Assistant Yan. You go back, my daughter is here, I will not leave.”

“Good madam, I’ll wait for you in the car outside the gate.”

Christopher left, and Suzi stood alone by the flowerbed in the yard, and did not want to go in for a long time.

Chapter 404


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