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Punished by His Love (FULL book) novel Chapter 405

Read Chapter 405 – 406 of the Novel Punished by His Love.

Chapter 405

“Sister He, what’s wrong, what’s going on? Don’t let the lady hear you yelling. The lady is not in a good mood recently, and there are guests at home today.” Another maid kindly reminded this sister He.

But Sister He sneered: “Xiao Lian, do you see who this woman is? The dirty and smelly woman brought back from prison by our Fourth Young Master six years ago was still the two of us bathing her. The smell of her body, the scars all over her body by men.”

Xiao Lian was immediately surprised: “She!”

“It’s her! Look like that, it’s a bit more decent now than it was back then, but it’s also nondescript. I don’t know how she broke in. It is estimated that the master guard was taking a nap, and was taken advantage of by such a product. “Sister He’s tone of disgusting Suzi and the look in his eyes disgusting Suzi are just like disgusting dirty stray cats and dogs.

Xiao Lian was even more exaggerated: “Eh, it’s not necessarily. Maybe this woman and one of the male servants in our house are getting better, especially the old one. It’s not necessarily that she came to look for the old male servant today. .

It must be old money!

Those dead things are more than sixty. Seeing him radiantly in the past few days, maybe he is in love with this woman. “

After speaking, Xiao Lian asked Suzi, “Eh, female prisoner, I want to ask you something, are you getting along with the old money? What are you looking for? I think he is over 60 years old and hurts like your father. You?

If you want someone in your sixties, I can find a lot for you. “

“Puff…” Sister He couldn’t close her lips with a smile, and scolded Suzi as she laughed: “Don’t stand there anymore. You didn’t hear the two of us talking about you, in your ears. Donkey hair!

Say you too!

What are you doing in a daze!

Are you getting better with the old money! “

“Eh, it’s wrong with Sister He.” Xiao Lian suddenly thought of something, “Isn’t this woman the fourth master who came back from a foreign land? How dare she be so good with the domestic helper of our Fu family?”

Sister He clapped her hands: “Oh, I understand! The Fourth Master must have brought her to the old house of Fu’s family. It is estimated that she is going to punish her here. The Fourth Master, everyone knows how the Fourth Master punishes people. That’s really amazing. For someone like this female prisoner, she probably threw her to several old men to play with. Maybe they’ve been played before, otherwise she wouldn’t be so stupid, she wouldn’t even say anything. I will speak.”

The two women, to be precise, were two domestic servants in the old house of the Fu family, just like this, you insulted Suzi here unscrupulously.

Suzi was confused at first.

However, she recovered her calm in just a few seconds.

Suzi has always been calm and dull, and has rarely had trouble since she was a child, and she has never been right and wrong, but this does not mean that she is weak and bullying.

When she can bear it, she can basically bear it.

But at this moment, she couldn’t bear it.

These two women were ten times more hateful than the faces of the people she met in the company.

The reason why Suzi kept silent was because she was talking to Christopher.

She had already dialed Christopher’s mobile phone. On the other end, Christopher kept calling her. Suzi only held the mobile phone in his hand, but didn’t speak.

Moreover, she turned on hands-free.

So at this moment, how arrogant the two domestic servants can be, Christopher outside the door can hear clearly. At this moment, he has gotten out of the car and is flying towards Suzi.

It took only a minute or two. Just when the two domestic servants insulted Suzi to the point of insulting self-superiority and self-enjoyment, Suzi also saw Christopher walking towards this side.

Suzi sneered, and quickly walked to the two domestic helpers, quickly raised his hands, slapped both left and right, and stunned the two maids.

“You…you female prisoner, how dare you hit me?” Sister He asked angrily.

Chapter 406

Suzi’s expression is very calm: “I have already played.”

Sister He became even more embarrassed and angry: “Xiao Lian! Go call someone, and call all the people in our class. Don’t strip all the clothes of this female prisoner today, let all the people in Fu’s house see what she is! I will not be called Sister He!”

Xiaolian: “I’m going to call!”


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