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Punished by His Love (FULL book) novel Chapter 630

Read Chapter 629 – 630 of the Novel Punished by His Love.

Chapter 629

“You are talking, don’t you look good?” Suzi asked Arron in a tone like an old husband and wife.

Lilly’s small eyeballs also stared at Arron dissatisfiedly: “It must be ugly. Dad doesn’t praise us.”

Suzi tugged Shen’s only arm: “Your father is a man. He knows a fart.”

Arron: “…”

When it was decided, he said: “I think your wife looks very nice in this suit.”

Lilly immediately smiled and curled his eyebrows: “Yeah! I knew my father would say it looks good. I like this female dress the most.”

Suzi also opened his eyes and smiled: “Well, I think it would look better if our family of three wears this kind of parent-child outfit, what do you think? Arron?”

She called him Arron.

Called his name for the first time.

Arron felt flattered again.

He felt that it was a very small probability that he could have two chances to be flattered in one night, but what made Arron caught off guard one after another was that Suzi had been very active this evening.

Not only is she active, she is also passionate.

The smile on her face has never disappeared, she always smiled, making him feel like he had fallen into a honey jar.

Men don’t like sweets.

I didn’t like to eat since I was young.

In the past, he had always thought there was something delicious about sweets, and this moment. Arron deeply felt that it was not that the sweets were not good, but that the sweets he had known in the past were not sweet enough.

If the sweets are sweet enough, a living Hades like him Arron also loves sweets and will never tire of eating them.

Like now! After the woman coaxed her to sleep, she wore a bathrobe and came to him on the initiative: “It’s time to take a bath. Are you tired today? I’ll help you wash it? But I’ve never given a man a bath before. It’s the first time today. , If I don’t rub you well, don’t you mind, okay?”

The man frowned.

Is it your fault that you never give a man a bath?

You have to give a man a bath, it’s a big mistake!

You didn’t give a man a bath, that’s right!

“What’s wrong, are you not willing?” Suzi asked.

The man replied: “No, I’m afraid you won’t be good at rubbing me.”

Suzi: “…”

“It’s better for me to rub it for you, to be more steadfast.” The man added.

Suzi: “…Puff.”

This evening, there is no doubt that the man gave her a bath. She was indeed inferior to the man in terms of taking a bath. After the two came out of the bath, Suzi took the initiative again.

A very open initiative.

She found that because of her initiative, she was able to open up, open up and close, but get more happiness.

This evening, she was happier than ever.

Afterwards, she nestled on his neck very contentedly, and asked in a voice asking, “Arron…”

“Huh?” The man’s voice was low and hoarse, so that he could hear the kind that made her ears pregnant.

“I…” After saying a word, she suddenly couldn’t speak anymore, her throat choked a little, she wanted to calm her emotions. In order to continue.

“What’s the matter?” the man asked, gently squeezing the tip of her small, straight nose.

Suzi took a deep breath and suddenly said: “Let’s get a divorce!”

Chapter 630


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