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Punished by His Love (FULL book) novel Chapter 632

Read Chapter 631 – 632 of the Novel Punished by His Love.

Chapter 631


It should be called a female man!

Not right?

For a while, Arron still couldn’t find any adjectives to describe her.

“Sleep!” Arron held Suzi with one arm, and turned off the wall lamp with the other arm raised.

Suzi wanted to talk for a while, but his lips were blocked.

Just forcing her like this, after half an hour, Suzi finally fell asleep.

The next day.

Two of a family of three woke up very late.

Now Lilly is becoming more and more sensible. She is a sensible person drinking milk and eating sandwiches in the restaurant. When she sees the aunt of the domestic helper walking loudly, Lilly will remind her.

“Grandma Li, Aunt Tian, you have to be quieter when you walk, my parents are still sleeping, I want my younger siblings, let them sleep a little longer.” Lilly discussed with the domestic helper very patiently.

Both domestic helpers smiled heartily.

This morning, Suzi was late for work for the first time.

However, given that she is always responsible for her work, no one blames her even if she is late once in a while.

However, people in the company are very curious, so she is late.

Why are her two girlfriends being late too?

At lunchtime, Suzi and Galia Rayna went to the cafeteria together and just sat down. Suzi asked in a questioning tone: “How come you two are late too, really recruit!”

Galia and Rayna didn’t speak.

“You two! A pair of idiots! It won’t be just once when you go out on a date with a man, just…what’s the matter?” Suzi was really embarrassed talking about two girlfriends. At this moment, she obviously forgot, thinking that she had given it to Arron for the first time. She didn’t know Arron at that time. Not only that, she was pregnant for the first time.

“What!” Galia hit Suzi’s chopsticks: “Just you, a smart young woman, thinks a lot! I and Rayna are both little girls, okay, it’s not as complicated as you think!”

“Then why are you late today!”

“Hi!” Rayna said grimly: “We are both women who haven’t worn beautiful dresses. Yesterday Mr. Jun and Shu Shao took us to buy dresses. It was really dazzling for us to see. The dresses were bought. The ready-made ones. We took the dresses home yesterday. When we got home, the teacher couldn’t sleep. After more than an hour, we got up and took a look. We were still wearing our dresses in her little room. Catwalk in high heels.”

“So, walking excited, don’t want to sleep?”

Galia nodded droopingly: “Yes, we both walked on the catwalk until four or five o’clock in the morning. Later, our heels got swollen and we went to bed. Hey, my heels still hurt.”

“Haha!” Suzi smiled, just screaming.

However, after laughing, she felt a little distressed for the two little girls.

The two little girls are girls who only hold working-class salary. It is possible that they can’t buy a dress with their one-year salary. Even if she is a designer, Suzi, her one-year salary is only Barely buying two dresses.

How can a dress like a dress that ordinary people can consume?

Thinking of this, Suzi sincerely praised Galia and Rayna from time to time: “Trust me, you two are the best, even if you don’t have a dress for your blessing, you are the most beautiful! Come on!”

“Come on!”

“Come on! We are the best! We are the most beautiful!”

Chapter 632


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