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Leave Me Alone, Mr Shaffer by Diana Tenny novel Chapter 102

Chapter 102 

Once Isabella arrived home, she stood by the doorway and took several 

deep breaths to calm her emotions. Her hands trembled as she opened the 

door. As she sat on the couch, her mind remained fuzzy. Frankly, she could 

barely recall how she had managed everything just moments ago. 


Louis would surely send someone to investigate the truth behind the incident. 

So, now, all she had to do was wait for the result. 

Suddenly, her phone rang, startling Isabella out of her thoughts. She jolted 

and returned to her senses. Then, she realized it was just her mother. 

“Hey, Mom.” She did her best to steady her emotions while conversing with 


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Chapter 102 A New Challenge Everyday 


Victoria sounded anxious as she stammered, “W-Were you hit by a car, 



Isabella cursed inwardly upon hearing her words. She couldn’t believe that 

she would have forgotten that Victoria could watch the news from the 

recuperation center. Then, she smiled and said casually, “It’s nothing, Mom. 

It’s just a small accident. I’m not suffering from any injuries.”. 

“Is it revenge from your enemies?” Alas, Victoria had always been sensitive 

and continued to press on the matter, saying, “Your boss has such a big 

business. Working with him might easily offend others.” 

Isabella sighed and comforted her repeatedly, murmuring gently, “It isn’t. It’s 

just a group of kids. They’re still children.” 

“What on Earth are their parents doing?!” Victoria became increasingly 

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Chapter 102 A New Challenge Everyday 

agitated as she kept repeating the same words over and over again. 


Isabella felt something was off as she heard her mother getting so 

emotional. Since she was concerned about Victoria’s health, she quickly 

reassured Victoria. “Mom, I’ll visit you at Bleaktown once I’ve wrapped things 

up here, okay? Don’t worry.” 

“Really?” Victoria exclaimed in joy as she calmed down. “I’ll wait for you then. 

Tell me when you’re about to arrive. I’ll have them prepare some delicious 

food for you.” 

Isabella agreed and continued to talk about her work and life, meticulously 

covering every aspect to make Victoria feel that her life was stable. 

Suddenly, Victoria asked, “Are you dating someone, Isabella?” 

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Chapter 102 A New Challenge Everyday 


Isabella was stunned. Then, she smiled and replied, “No. If I’m in a relationship, 

I’ll tell you about it.” 

“That boss of yours is quite young, isn’t he? Does he have a girlfriend?” 

Victoria’s question was somewhat inexplicable, seemingly as if she was 


Isabella frowned and felt uneasy. “People like them have marriages arranged 

by their families. They live a completely different life than us. Although I’m his 

secretary, we have no interaction outside of work. We are two different kinds 

of people.” 

Victoria breathed a sigh of relief after listening to her answer. Then, she said, 

“That’s good. Be good, and don’t get involved with these rich men. Otherwise, 

you’ll be ruining your future. Do you understand?” 

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Chapter 102 A New Challenge Everyday 

Isabella had a gut feeling that someone had said something to Victoria. Yet, 

the latter wasn’t about to reveal anything, especially not over the phone. So, 

she decided to visit Bleaktown soon to figure out what was going on. 


Victoria, who was satisfied with Isabella’s assurance, said a couple more 

words before hanging up. An exhausted Isabella tossed her phone aside and 

collapsed heavily onto the couch. 

She hadn’t even managed to relax when she started feeling dizzy. I knew 

there was definitely something odd in that fragrance! Isabella closed her 

eyes and was too tired to return to her room. Thus, she decided to sleep right 

on her couch. During her trance-like state, an image of sitting in Seth’s seat 

flashed in her mind. She couldn’t help but smile before drifting off to sleep. 

In the early morning, the sunlight shone into the living room. Isabella frowned 

and blocked the irritating sunlight with her hand before reluctantly opening 

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Chapter 102 A New Challenge Everyday 

her eyes. 

It was already 8.00AM. She was running late yet again. 


She sighed wearily as she dragged herself to the bathroom. When she picked 

up her phone, she found a strange message. 

‘Arrange it as soon as possible, darling. If this goes well, I’ll love you dearly.” 

Then, there was a disturbing image attached. 

Isabella quickly deleted the message and felt her heart racing. She quickly 

got ready and grabbed her bag before leaving. Then, she instructed the 

people arranged by Natasha to book a hotel room, rushed to the company, 

and used Abigail’s computer to schedule a meeting with Lara. After that, she 


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