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Leave Me Alone, Mr Shaffer by Diana Tenny novel Chapter 106

Chapter 106

Since Isabella refused Seth’s “kind offer,” she was promptly kicked out of the

office. His actions were the epitome of killing the donkey the moment it was

released from the millstone.


As soon as she exited the room, she was met with Selena’s/chilling gaze. It

was as if the woman would want nothing more but to devour her in the next

second. Isabella ignored her with practiced ease as she entered the elevator

and went to the ground floor.

The car exhibition was just around the corner. So, she had to stick to her

routine work. She texted Gordon, asking if he had time that day. Then, Gordon

called her back. Not only did he agree to participate in the exhibition, but he

also invited Isabella to have dinner together. Since Isabella’s mind was

occupied with the upcoming events the next day, she didn’t have the energy

14:35 Sat, 30 Dec nu

Chapter 106 It’s Not Like You Are Making Food for


to deal with Gordon. Thus, she declined his offer, telling him she had a busy

schedule and suggested they meet another time. Although Gordon was


disappointed, he didn’t press further and agreed to meet after the exhibition.

Isabella returned to the office after ending the call. As it was close to the end

of the workday, most people were slacking off. Only Abigail flitted around like

a busy bee around Jonas. Isabella pretended to make a call as she bided her

time until Abigail left. Once the office was nearly empty, she discreetly

checked Abigail’s computer, logging into the email to confirm the

anonymous reply. Just as she expected, there was an email questioning her

identity. After she confirmed her identity, the person instructed her to bring all

financial reports to a hotel at 7.00PM tomorrow.

Now that everything was settled, Isabella couldn’t help but fiddle her fingers

together, allowing all the dark monsters hidden deep within her mind to

come out and play. She closed the email, cleared the records, and left the


company calmly. On her way home, she replayed all the details in her mind


and sent the hotel room number to Louis.

She didn’t plan to ruin Lara’s innocence. Nevertheless, she definitely wanted

to teach her an unforgettable lesson.

This particular night was hard to endure as a significant event occurred the

next day. Isabella found herself struggling to sleep until 2.00AM.

The following day, the butler from the Shaffer Family, Mr. Ben, called again.

“Miss Symons, you don’t have to bother with lunch today.

Isabella was brushing her teeth and stopped in surprise. “Oh, okay. I’II…”

“Do you have time to cook lunch for Mr. Shaffer?” he asked.


Isabella stared at the mirror and blinked. “What?”


Mr. Ben laughed and praised Isabella. To make matters even weirder, he was

genuinely sincere as he said, “I heard from the bodyguards that your decisive

plan went perfectly. Mr. Shaffer enjoyed the lunch quite a lot.”

Isabella was puzzled, and her lips started twitching. “So, should I continue to

make instant noodles for him today?”

The butler immediately refused. “Although instant noodles are delicious,

they’re not healthy. You can buy some ingredients and prepare a meal for


She closed her eyes and resisted the urge to slam her head against the

mirror. Then, she calmly spat out the foam in her mouth and said, “My

cooking skills are terrible.”


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