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Leave Me Alone, Mr Shaffer by Diana Tenny novel Chapter 115

Chapter 115

Isabella was led into a big private estate. The estate’s architectural style

leaned more toward Jesundian, which was something Seth never liked.

“Please wait here.”


She was led into a study room occupied only by one tiny lamp and many

Jesundian trinkets.

As she sat on the tatami mat, her mind raced. How she wished there was

someone she could question, but the people had locked the door behind

them as they walked out. She was not even given the chance to speak to


When she looked out of the window, she saw bodyguards stationed


everywhere. The entire place was tightly guarded.

At that moment, Isabella’s phone rang. It was a call from Natasha.

She snapped out of her thoughts and hurriedly answered it.

“What happened, Bella?”

Thus, Isabella recounted everything that had happened before urging

Natasha to investigate the owner of the house so that she could properly

address the issue.


Natasha immediately worked on it after telling Isabella not to worry and to

wait. If worse came to worst, Natasha would demand Isabella to be handed

over using Dariel’s name.


Still, Isabella worried. She remembered just how strong-headed the


bodyguard was just now. Anyone who would hire a bodyguard like that would

most likely not budge just because Dariel wanted something.

She clung to her phone. As she waited for Natasha to get back to her, she

intently stared at the

Around 30 minutes had passed, and Natasha had yet to get back to her.

However, she could now hear footsteps echoing in the corridor outside.

Isabella hurriedly got to her feet and warily watched the door.

With a clack, the door swung open.

With feet covered in leather shoes, the man strode into the room. His legs

were long and slender. As her gaze moved upward, she spotted the hand


placed against the door handle that shone brightly with its large knuckles

even in the dimly lit room.


There was no need for her to look up any further before she recognized who it


It was Seth.

He was wearing a simple collar shirt with sleeves rolled up his forearm. His

feet moved at a swift pace. It was clear he had rushed over.

Even through the dark lenses of her sunglasses, she could sense the eerie

and frosty look in his eyes. She could not help but take a step backward.

As Seth stood at the doorway and looked into the room at Isabella, a vicious

look flashed across his face. He pursed his lips. Without turning the light on,


he closed the door and started moving toward her. He was moving very

slowly, deliberately moving one step at a time to torment her. She

instinctively backed away but soon forced herself to calm down and stiffly

remained standing where she was.


“To be able to catch the live stream from just around the corner, even after

the big commotion you stirred up. You’re quite daring.” As he came to a stop


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