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Leave Me Alone, Mr Shaffer by Diana Tenny novel Chapter 123

Chapter 123 

“Do you want to take responsibility? Can you bring the people over?” The 

woman with wavy hair rolled her eyes and looked down at Isabella’s 

grandiose words. 

Isabella couldn’t be bothered to argue with them. She walked forward and 

forcefully pushed past the woman blocking the door. 


“I’ll solve the problem before the end of the day. Save your energy. If you have 

time, try convincing the clients.” 

She lifted her chin defiantly and left, leaving the women in the restroom 

exchanging looks. 

Outside the venue, Isabella stormed out of the exhibition hall and stood at 

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Chapter 123 Using Seth As Usual 

the entrance. She instantly regretted her definitive words. 



She had a way, albeit a shameless one, which would likely invite ridicule from 

Seth if caught. 

Oh well. She would leave it up to fate. 

After some thought, she grabbed her phone and scrolled through her 

contacts. During her time as a secretary, she had connections with several 

company secretaries, and she didn’t remove their contacts even after 

leaving. It unexpectedly came in handy now. 

She posted a rant on her Facebook post, which was visible only to specific 

secretaries, and complained about her former boss unexpectedly planning 

to visit their humble small car exhibition while expressing how awkward it 

would be to meet. 



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Chapter 123 Using Seth As Usual 


Sure enough, within minutes, the secretary from Eastainment messaged her. 

‘Bella, is Mr. Shaffer planning to attend the small car exhibition in Krusmont 


Isabella replied with a crying emoji, ‘Who knows what’s gotten into him? He 

graces us with his presence, which made us work overtime!’ 

‘Poor thing. You’ve worked hard.’ 

The other party didn’t say much as they engaged in casual conversation for 

a bit before exiting the chat. 

Isabella breathed a sigh of relief and felt somewhat confident. 

Following that, several private messages flooded in. They all inquired about 

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Chapter 123 Using Seth As Usual 

Seth’s schedule for the next day. 

Isabella skillfully danced around the queries by not providing definite 

answers but dropping plenty of hints. 



These companies were all eyeing investments from the Shaffer Group. 

Usually, it was difficult to meet Seth, so an opportunity like this was not 

something they would pass up. 


She played her cards carefully while waiting patiently for the fish to bite. 

The dissemination of information took time. She sat in the lounge for a while 

before heading out around 3.00 PM and found the atmosphere suddenly 


“Can you believe it? Just now, Marley Dalton specifically called me to reserve 

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Chapter 123 Using Seth As Usual 

a seat!” 



“Previously, no matter how we asked, she wouldn’t do me the honor and was 

very arrogant. Now, she was suddenly confirming the seat reservation.” 

“Could it be that our newly arrived cars are more attractive?” 

The discussions were happening everywhere. When Isabella stepped out, 

nobody gave her the cold shoulder. Everyone was too busy answering calls 

with ingratiating smiles on their faces. 

Keira was in the middle of a conversation with someone when she noticed 

Isabella coming out. She excused herself and came up to her. 

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Chapter 123 Using Seth As Usual 

“You’re really resourceful. You’ve resolved the situation at hand so quickly.” 


Isabella felt surprised as she found this girl quite perceptive to be so certain 

that it was her who resolved the situation. 

“I didn’t do it alone. It’s everyone’s effort that satisfied the clients.” 

Keira smiled faintly, glanced around, and sighed. “Tomorrow’s going to be a 

busy day.” 

After saying that, she leaned closer and winked at Isabella. “About Seth… will 

he really come?” 

Isabella was briefly taken aback and was unsure where Keira heard this 


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Chapter 123 Using Seth As Usual 

Keira stuck out her tongue apologetically and chuckled. “I heard it from a 

client’s secretary. I thought it might be fake.” 



Isabella nodded vaguely. “Who knows? Their schedules aren’t always 


She didn’t confirm anything to Keira either. Considering they weren’t familiar 

with each other, she couldn’t judge a book by its cover. 

Keira nodded as if she understood. “I hope he comes. I’ve never seen such a 

big shot before.” 

Isabella hoped otherwise in her mind. If he did come, they might be pleased, 

but her safety could be in jeopardy. 

Just then, her phone in her pocket vibrated continuously. 


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