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Leave Me Alone, Mr Shaffer by Diana Tenny novel Chapter 132

Chapter 132


After noticing that there was no movement inside the car, Gordon continued

to kick it several times.

Isabella’s heart tightened with each sound, beating until it stopped


Finally, when Gordon grew tired, the door opened.

However, the person who emerged was not Seth, but an expressionless Ollie.

With that, everyone let out a sigh of relief, and Isabella immediately came

back to life. “Thank God it’s not Seth,” she thought.

Following that, Ollie bent over and spoke into the car. “Mr. Shaffer, you can

come out now.”

Isabella was shocked.

There was a collective gasp as the crowd instinctively took two steps back.

Chapter 132 How About A Competition

Seth emerged from the other side of the car, standing tall. Even though he


was slightly taller than Gordon and was standing behind a car, his restrained

dominance and oppression felt more lethal than Gordon’s obvious anger.

“Didn’t Xavier ever teach you to behave yourself when you’re outside?”

The man’s chilling voice resonated, instantly causing the atmosphere to drop

a few degrees. Coincidentally, a storm cloud passed by, covering the

sunlight. The previously sunny and clear sky darkened, making the crowd feel

depressed and anxious.

Meanwhile, Isabella stood in front of the car. She wanted to intervene and

mediate the situation, but suddenly, she felt afraid to do so. Even she had to

be cautious around Seth, so how could she dare to speak up for Gordon?

“Didn’t your father teach you not to put on airs outside?” Gordon mimicked

Seth’s tone and retorted.

Inside, Isabella was screaming, cursing at Gordon. “Isn’t that nonsense? If

Seth can’t put on airs, then who in the entire Imperia can? We’re all in the

same situation, but none of us started from the same starting line. How can

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Chapter 132 How About A Competition

you mimic his tone? Are you insane?”

However, Seth didn’t even spare Gordon a glance, probably unwilling to

engage with the misbehaving kid. He walked past her without even

acknowledging her presence.

Afterward, Selena got out of the car and hurried after him, followed by Ollie

and two teams of bodyguards. And just like that, the group passed by



“How about a competition?” Gordon suddenly spoke up when the group had

walked some distance away.

Hearing that, Isabella was shocked and suspected that the guy had lost his

mind. Why else would he be so insistent on provoking Seth?

Seth indeed stopped in his tracks before the crowd.

Isabella closed her eyes and unconsciously moved to the side.

Seth’s gaze swept across Isabella’s face before settling on Gordon, who was

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Chapter 132 How About A Competition

not far away. He spoke up. “You’re asking me to compete with you?”


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