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Leave Me Alone, Mr Shaffer by Diana Tenny novel Chapter 136

Chapter 136



“So, it’s really needles…” Isabella examined the few needles lodged in her

knee, her mind racing. In an instant, she mentally listed everyone who might

have a motive for this.

Seth’s expression was grave. He looked up and glanced at her. “You seem to

attract unwanted attention. It appears that there are people everywhere who

want you dead.” He reflected, Her car was going so fast just now. A

momentary distraction, a slight slip of the steering wheel, could have been


Upon hearing this, fear instantly washed over her, and her hands, resting on

the rock, clenched into fists. Alex had given her this suit, but she had a feeling

that Alex wasn’t the culprit. With many people in the company harboring

envy, the culprit could be anyone.

Seth stood up, his hand on his belt. He quickly made a decision, saying, “Let’s

go to the hospital.”

The grid girl, who had been silent, stepped forward and said softly, “I’ve

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Chapter 136 Unbearable Affections


already called for an ambulance.” As soon as she finished speaking, the faint

sound of the ambulance siren reached them.

Isabella glanced towards the intersection, expecting the ambulance, but her

eyes caught sight of a red sports car first.

The car smoothly came to a stop, and Gordon emerged. His gaze locked onto

Isabella seated on the rock. Spotting the tear in her pants, his eyes widened

in shock. He hurried over, heading straight for Seth. “You son of a b*tch!”

Huh? Before she could comprehend the situation, Gordon threw a punch at

Seth. Seth skillfully dodged the punch in a swift move, stepping back several


Unhappy that his punch had missed, Gordon prepared for another one.

Speechless, Isabella immediately shouted, “Stop!”

Gordon froze and looked back in disbelief. “Are you defending him?”

She was baffled, not understanding how this conversation had suddenly

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Chapter 136 Unbearable Affections

turned into a dialogue from a cheesy soap opera. She rolled her eyes while

pointing emphatically at her leg. “This is from a car crash!”

He was momentarily taken aback. “But your pants-”

She was at a loss for words. “Mr. Shaffer was just checking on me.”

“That’s nonsense! Who would check on people like this?” Gordon remained


Seth snorted, his gaze full of disdain as he jeered, “You’re quite the player in

your daily life, aren’t you?”

Gordon was momentarily speechless. Seth had hit the nail on the head; he

had indeed forced intimacy before. When he noticed the torn pants on

Isabella just now, impure thoughts had crossed his mind.

The atmosphere became awkward and tense. Just as Isabella felt like she

was suffocating, the ambulance finally arrived.

The nurses and doctors seemed hurried and flustered. They wore unfriendly


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Chapter 136 Unbearable Affections

expressions, perhaps irritated by such reckless street racers.

The nurses looked displeased with Isabella as she was lifted onto the

stretcher. Suddenly, they noticed Seth’s presence, and everyone’s attitude


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