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Leave Me Alone, Mr Shaffer by Diana Tenny novel Chapter 149

Chapter 149 


Isabella was correct. They had been friends with benefits for five years, and 

that meant something. It wasn’t love, but it was understanding. Seth knew 

her inside out. He observed her in places she didn’t realize he was looking, like 

when he saw her through his office window. He witnessed all the emotions 

she expressed in private. 

“I was just… just…” Isabella wanted to tell him that she wasn’t insulting him, but 

the words wouldn’t come out. 

Seth glanced at the rear-view mirror and raised an eyebrow. “You were being 

sarcastic just now.” 

Isabella pursed her lips and gazed out the window. “I can’t do anything 

because I rely on you.” 

“It doesn’t seem like you’re submitting,” Seth remarked. 

Isabella placed her hands on the back of the seat. Feeling aggrieved, she 

said, “I can’t submit forever, or it will hurt my back.” She looked at Seth, and 



from her position, she could see his profile. “Can I explain myself now, Mr. 



Seth ignored her and pressed down on the accelerator, speeding up. Lost in 

her thoughts, Isabella didn’t realize that the speedometer was tilting to the 

right. Leaning forward, she said, “I didn’t make the sales. I could never have 

closed such a big deal.” 

Seth narrowed his eyes. Coldly, he said, “So he gave you the sales?” 

Isabella nodded. “Jonas did. I couldn’t refuse.” 

Seth chuckled. “Someone’s charming.” 

Isabella didn’t want to be arrogant now. She said, “I might not have been able 

to close the deal, but Jonas might not be able to either. Something seems off 

about that deal. Someone needs to investigate.” 

Seth wasn’t convinced. He said, “You need evidence to make an accusation 

in my company.” 


Isabella shrugged. “I don’t have any evidence at the moment.” 


“Then you’ll have to take responsibility. According to the employee’s manual, 

taking credit for someone else’s work will result in…” Seth stopped and 

swallowed the rest of his sentence. 

Isabella realized what the consequences could be, and she became excited. 

“Termination?” That’s the best news I’ve heard all night. If I had known that 

taking credit for someone else’s work would lead to termination, I would have 

done it a long time ago. 

“Once you’re terminated, no one in this city will dare to hire you again,” Seth 

continued quietly, shattering Isabella’s dream of escaping. 

Deflated, Isabella sank back into her seat. 

Annoyed by Isabella’s sighs, Seth said, “The company treats you well, and you 

can’t wait to leave?” 

Isabella looked away. “The company treats me like any other employee. 

You’re the one who’s kind to me.” She turned away and rested her head on 

her arm. Honestly, she said, “I’ve been here for five years. I should have a new 

direction in life. Leaving the company is just part of my professional plan.” 

Seth looked ahead and gripped the steering wheel tighter, then he turned it. 

The car suddenly made a U-turn. Isabella was caught off guard and, as she 

was leaning to the side, she fell towards the door and bumped her forehead 

against the window. After enduring a lot of pain throughout the day, Isabella 

was immune to this level of discomfort. Determinedly, she picked herself up. 

“Mr. Shaffer, I…” 

“One more word, and there’s more where that came from.” Seth shot her a 

displeased look through the rear-view mirror. 

Isabella fell silent. I can’t beg him, and I can’t reason with him. What does he 

want me to do? She realized that Seth’s annoying attitude had reached a 

whole new level. I can’t get through to him no matter what I do. The scenery 

flew past them. Irritated, Isabella looked out the window. There were many 

shops on the roadside, but those were not the kind of shops that should be in 

this area. Isabella realized that Seth had never asked her where she wanted 

to go after getting into the car. 

She sat up straighter, feeling a little nervous. “Mr. Shaffer, where are we 


Seth chuckled. “So, you remembered to ask. At least your brain isn’t 

completely mush.” 


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