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Leave Me Alone, Mr Shaffer by Diana Tenny novel Chapter 170

Chapter 170

Gordon made a call in front of Isabella and invited a certain Mr. Brown to his

grandmother’s eightieth birthday party the following day.

“Your grandmother’s birthday is tomorrow?” Isabella was surprised.

Gordon put his phone away and squinted at Isabella. “Do you want to come

and have fun? The villa is beautiful.”

Isabella smiled and popped a crayfish into her mouth. “Since you invited Mr.

Brown, of course, I’m going. But…” She extended two fingers. “You have to give

me two invitations.”

Gordon narrowed his eyes, suspiciously asking, “What? Do you want to bring

a plus one?”


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Isabella shrugged. “It’s a lady.”

Gordon heaved a sigh of relief. “That’s alright.” His mood brightened, so he

asked the chef to cook two fish and piled up on the finger foods.

Isabella had her fill. Frankly, she felt rather bloated as she got to her feet.

“Do you want to check out the fish downstairs?” Gordon suggested.


Isabella wanted to take a walk to digest her food, so she nodded. On their

way down, Isabella whispered to Gordon, “The estate prices here are crazy. It

must cost a lot to open a restaurant here.”

Gordon shoved his hands in his pockets as he said nonchalantly, “It’s the

Poles’ business.”


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“The Poles?” Isabella went through some names in her head. Soon, she

recalled one name. “Leslie Pole?”

“No, his brother, Leonard,” said Gordon.

Isabella grunted and checked out the fish. They were all strange, and she

had never seen them before.

A waiter said, “There’s jellyfish up ahead. It’s our shop’s specialty. You can

check it out, dear customer.”


Isabella nodded and told Gordon to accompany her. They went to the

westmost side of the first floor and saw a row of jellyfish boxes under the

staircase to the VIP rooms upstairs. Since Isabella finally had a chance to

relax, she let go of her facade and worries. Instead, she decided to

thoroughly enjoy herself as she used a net and tried to catch a jellyfish. After



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a great deal of effort, she finally managed to catch a colorful one. “Gordon,

come quick!” she exclaimed, full of joy.


Gordon had known Isabella for nearly a month, but he had never seen her

smile so much. His heart fluttered at the sight. However, he had no idea how

to bridge the gap between them.

The waiter said, “You can buy the jellyfish.”

Gordon snapped out of his reverie. “We’ll take it. Get us a box.”

“Of course.”

Isabella didn’t notice what Gordon told the waitress. She was busy with the


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