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Leave Me Alone, Mr Shaffer by Diana Tenny novel Chapter 173

Chapter 173

After Isabella replied with that emoticon, the other party no longer responded

to her. She hadn’t received anything even by the time she got home. Gordon

parked the car once they arrived at Isabella’s, but he didn’t notice how she

seemed to be engrossed in her phone. He kept the car doors locked as he

remained in his seat with a frown on his face.

Isabella looked up and put her phone away when she realized that they had

arrived at her place. “Thank you for driving me back,” she said. Out of

nowhere, Gordon said, “Leonard is interested in you.” Isabella froze for a

moment before looking at the serious expression on Gordon’s face. After a

while, she burst out laughing. “How is it possible that everyone seems to be

interested in me?”

Gordon scoffed. “Don’t you know how attractive you are?”

Isabella shrugged as she held up the jellyfish container and swayed it under

the dim street lights. “I can tell when men are attracted to my looks, but I

never take them too seriously,” she replied. Gordon pressed his lips together.

It seemed like Isabella was referring to Leonard, but he felt like she might also



be referring to him.

Isabella didn’t care what Gordon thought-she simply knocked on the car

door while speaking. “Open up.” Gordon unlocked the doors with a gloomy

look on his face. Once Isabella got out of the car, she leaned down and

looked into the car once more. “Thank you, Gordon,” she said sincerely.

He let out a sigh before wiping the gloomy look off his face. “I’ll come over to

pick you up tomorrow,” he said, leaning closer to the passenger’s side of the

car. “Your family’s going to be busy tomorrow. You don’t have to pick me up.

You can just send me an invitation, and I’ll come over on my own tomorrow.”

Isabella felt bad asking so much from Gordon.

“Why would I be busy? Do you think those people are worth my time?” Gordon

spun his steering wheel as he prepared to drive off. “You can go inside. I’ll pick

you up tomorrow,” he said stubbornly. Isabella had no choice but to

straighten up and take a step back. After winding up the window, Gordon

drove off while Isabella watched as his car disappeared down the road.

Then, Isabella turned around and walked into her house, shifting her focus

back to her chat with Leonard. The two emoticons in the chat box made it Ox



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seem like they were having a staring contest, but it also seemed like they

were just two clueless individuals looking at each other blankly. Isabella

thought to herself, Maybe Leonard’s just another weirdo. She pursed her lips.

and eventually put her phone away before heading up to her house.


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