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Leave Me Alone, Mr Shaffer by Diana Tenny novel Chapter 175

Chapter 175

Poppy held onto both Isabella and Gordon, growing more fond of them by

the moment. “When are you two getting married?”

Isabella was taken aback by the older woman’s question. Her expression

instantly stiffened, and she turned towards Gordon, signaling him to clarify



However, Gordon was unwilling to explain. Knowing Isabella’s temperament,

he didn’t want to strain their relationship. “Grandma, I’m only 24. Why rush into


With a warm smile, Poppy said to several wealthy ladies, “This young man is

in no hurry at all.”

Realizing that they didn’t recognize Isabella, the ladies understood that she

might not come from an affluent family. Looking at Ariel’s expression, they

also knew what to do.

They changed the topic, diverting Poppy’s attention from the subject of


marriage. However, she still held onto Isabella’s hand and didn’t let her go.


Modestly, Isabella presented a bracelet she had prepared. “I don’t know what

your preferences are. I apologize if this gift isn’t good enough.”

Poppy, who came from a humble background, was very down-to-earth.

When she saw Isabella’s gift, she smiled with appreciation. “You’re really

considerate. Gordon is lucky to have you.”

Isabella forced a laugh, feeling nervous. She could only let Poppy hold her


Several ladies followed Poppy’s lead, taking turns to praise Isabella, and the

atmosphere in the room became pleasant. Isabella felt anxious, afraid that

Poppy would take her out and introduce her to others.

Just as she was in a dilemma, a servant knocked on the door.

Ariel went to answer and heard the servant whispering, “Mr. Shaffer has

arrived. Mr. Dunkstein asks for you and Mr. Gordon to come down together.”


Isabella didn’t hear anything else, but being sensitive, she caught the name

‘Mr. Shaffer.’


Gordon frowned upon hearing the name, and he quickly stood up.

However, Poppy didn’t understand the situation. “Gordon?”

Frowning, he looked at his mother. “Mom, you should go. I’ll stay with


Ariel glared at him and then leaned down to whisper to Poppy, “Mom, an

important guest has arrived. Xavier is asking Gordon to go down.”

Poppy, hearing the words ‘important guest,’ didn’t hesitate and patted

Gordon’s hand. “Go down now. Don’t keep your father waiting.”

While saying this, she still held onto Isabella’s hand.

Gordon’s expression changed slightly. He turned away with a stern face, not

forgetting to remind Isabella, “Wait for me.”

Feeling uncomfortable crouching for so long, Isabella forced a smile. “Okay.”


With that, Gordon followed his mother downstairs.

In the room, only Poppy and a few wealthy ladies remained. Isabella noticed

that although they continued talking with Poppy, they seemed distracted.


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