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Leave Me Alone, Mr Shaffer by Diana Tenny novel Chapter 179

Chapter 179


Seth’s words may have sounded like a joke, but it was clear to everyone that

he was provoking Gordon.

As expected, Gordon immediately halted his steps.

As Seth descended the stairs, the crowd instinctively made way for him.

Although they were in the Dunkstein Residence, it felt as if they were in the

Shaffers’ territory.

After adjusting his cuffs, Seth casually twisted the ring on his finger and

approached the shattered champagne glass.

Isabella stood behind Gordon, her gaze fixed on Seth’s every move. She even


slowed her breathing as she carefully observed him. What was his intention?

With one hand in his pocket, Seth calmly studied Rachel’s frightened

expression. “Miss Logan, which do you find more challenging-apologizing or

causing harm to others?”

Rachel seemed dazed, unable to comprehend why this distinguished man

would make things difficult for her. Trembling, she tilted her head back but

couldn’t utter a single word.

“The ambulance is here!” someone called out.

Relieved, Megan quickly signaled Ariel with her eyes. Once Ariel understood,

she first approached Gordon, who was about to speak, and then turned to

Seth, offering an apologetic smile. “Mr. Shaffer, why don’t we let the

paramedics take the injured away? Saving a life is more important, isn’t it?”


Seth nodded, seemingly unaffected by the situation. “Sure. You can do

whatever you want.”

This left the crowd puzzled, unable to comprehend Seth’s actions. Initially, it

seemed like he wanted to defend Isabella, but now he appeared indifferent

to the whole situation.

Only Isabella understood Seth’s behavior. He simply didn’t want to engage

with these people, and the ambulance couldn’t enter until the matter was


Indeed, although the sound of an approaching ambulance could be heard

outside, the paramedics never entered the premises.

The crowd was initially confused, but soon realized the situation outside. The

courtyard was filled with black-clad men who clearly didn’t belong to the


Dunkstein Family.


While Seth didn’t refuse Rachel medical treatment, he blocked her path,

making it clear that she couldn’t leave without apologizing.


Isabella discreetly took a deep breath. Her gaze fixed on Seth’s back, slowly

moving upward, capturing every detail of his profile as she tried to gauge his


However, Seth seemed mischievous and didn’t mention Isabella’s name or

ease the situation.

Meanwhile, Megan held her daughter, pleading with Ariel through her eyes,

but received an evasive gaze in return. “Mrs. Logan, just apologize. Your

daughter went too far.”


“Yes, she’s young and already so malicious.”

“Forget it. Everyone knows her family are new upstarts…”



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