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Leave Me Alone, Mr Shaffer by Diana Tenny novel Chapter 181

Chapter 181


Gordon preferred not to push things too far, so when Isabella told him to wait,

he simply lay down on the bed and started playing with his phone.

It wasn’t until 6:00 PM, when the sky darkened, that Isabella packed up and

prepared to leave.

Outside the hotel, a black Bentley was parked under a tree, resembling a

patient predator waiting for its prey to appear.

Unfortunately, the person inside the car didn’t share the same patience. His

face had darkened to a shade akin to an inkstone.

Nicolas and the driver exchanged a glance, and Nicolas mustered the

courage to speak. “Mr. Shaffer, it’s been three hours. Do you need…”


The person in the backseat raised his gaze, and his piercing eyes reflected

from the rearview mirror. He silenced Nicolas, forcing him to swallow the

words on the tip of his tongue.

Nicolas felt a cold sweat on his back and wisely shut his mouth.


He prayed for Isabella to hurry out, hoping she wouldn’t spend the night with

Gordon inside.

In the backseat, Seth’s hands were clasped, and his elbows were resting on

his knees. His lips were pressed tightly together, and an aura of tension

surrounded him.

After discussing some matters with Xavier, he left the study. Then, he

scanned the area and found no sign of Isabella.


Jordan reported that Isabella had gone to the hotel with Gordon.

He couldn’t help but sneer with a twisted smile.


Isabella, you pretend to be a chaste and virtuous woman in front of



you’re at a hotel with a man right now!

“Isabella probably has a legitimate reason to go to the hotel during the day…”

Nicolas spoke up again.

Seth chuckled lightly. His laughter was eerie and unsettling.

Tears welled up in Nicolas’ eyes. He almost kneeled and prayed on the spot.

At the hotel entrance, people went in, but no one came out.


As time passed and darkness fell, there was a good chance she would spend

the night at the hotel if she didn’t come out now.

Nicolas started to feel anxious. He turned to Seth and said, “Mr. Shaffer, let’s

go in and get Isabella out!”

Seth looked up at Nicolas, wearing an expression as if he was looking at a


“Me? Why would I go in and grab her?”

Nicolas was speechless.

This would seem too much like catching someone in the act. It was not in line

with Seth’s composed persona.


Seth closed his eyes briefly and weighed the situation. He would never use.

anything someone else had touched, but if Isabella didn’t come out, it

probably meant that…


He rarely found himself hesitating like this. Upon reflection, he realized it had

happened several times recently, and it was all because of Isabella.

She was just an ordinary woman and not his wife. Why should he waste time

like this?

He suddenly opened his eyes and spoke in a deep voice. “Let’s go back to the

Shaffer Group.”

Nicolas was dumbfounded and utterly shocked. “Are we leaving already?!”

They had been waiting for several hours. What if she came out right after


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