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Leave Me Alone, Mr Shaffer by Diana Tenny novel Chapter 184

Chapter 184


It would take over three hours to drive to Bleaktown. However, Isabella was


unfamiliar with the roads, so she took a bit more time. Along the way, she

made a brief detour to buy some food for Victoria, which further delayed her


By the time she arrived at the outskirts of Bleaktown, it was already starting to

get dark.

She parked her car by the roadside, drank some water, and closed her eyes

to rest for a moment.

Unexpectedly, she glanced at the rearview mirror and noticed several

individuals loitering around her car.


Her exhaustion faded, and it was replaced by the unsettling memory of

Jonas’ disgusting stare.


Isabella was on high alert as she abandoned the moment of rest and swiftly

started the car engine.

She remained vigilant while constantly checking the rearview mirror, feeling

relieved only when she was certain no one was following her.

The nursing home was located in an isolated area on the outskirts, making

her vulnerable if anyone had malicious intentions there.

Just as she relaxed a little, she glanced at the rearview mirror and spotted

two Hyundai cars.


reappeared at the next traffic light where their paths crossed.


Isabella, who followed the principle of caution, changed her route and drove

around randomly.

As expected, the vehicles still followed closely behind her.

She felt a sinking feeling in her heart as she was unsure of their intentions. At

the same time, she noticed the sparse traffic around her. If they managed to

corner her by force, she would be in danger.

The traffic light turned green.

She accelerated with determination and intended to shake off the two cars

behind her.


However, the pursuing cars seemed professional. Even if she managed to

distance herself momentarily, they always caught up.

Isabella realized they likely had connections within the transportation

department, as her car was consistently tracked by surveillance.


She thought that as long as she avoided the other party and didn’t give them

a chance to force her to stop, she should be safe.

However, Isabella realized she was being naive after passing two

intersections. The other party didn’t want to force her to stop. Rather, they

wanted to cause a car accident.

They accelerated abruptly several times and attempted to hit her vehicle,

but she skillfully swerved away each time.


Having repeated this several times, the two cars changed tactics noticeably.

She glanced at the rearview mirror and noticed that one of the cars had


Her palms grew sweaty as her vigilance heightened. She couldn’t afford to

overlook any direction while driving.

Isabella felt nervous. She wanted to drive straight through the intersection as

there were no other cars around.


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