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Leave Me Alone, Mr Shaffer by Diana Tenny novel Chapter 202

Chapter 202



After dropping off Natasha at her home, Isabella entered the car where the

bodyguards were waiting, feeling a mix of emotions. Upon returning to

Harmony Residence, she found the house empty; Seth hadn’t returned yet.

She had planned to wait for his return to express her gratitude, but he didn’t

show up even by midnight. It seemed that he was serious about only staying

temporarily, as he had returned to the villa that day.

So, she stretched and went upstairs to sleep. She had thought that she would

have the chance to see him in the next few days, but for four consecutive

days, he didn’t appear, and she didn’t receive any work information. She

almost thought that he was going to break his promise and not let her

become the president of Nemotors.

Just as she was about to gather the courage to call him, she received a

notice from Jordan-the acquisition of Nemotors was completed, and

Isabella was to take office the next day.

While Isabella was shocked by the efficiency of the Shaffer Group, she was

also nervous. The only company leader she had seen was Seth, and now that

09:53 Mon, 8 Jan GRA

Chapter 202 Welcome, Miss Symons, President of the

it was her turn, she couldn’t help but doubt herself.


The day before taking office, she called Alex, explained the general situation,

and hoped that she could help her. Alex was surprised, thinking that she was

joking, but after she explained repeatedly, she believed her. After confirming

with Alex, she then called Mandy. She had noticed this girl from Lawdom from

the beginning because of her unique way of dealing with the world, strong

insights, and admirable courage.

“You’re taking office as the president so soon?” Mandy answered the phone,

expressing surprise with a laugh, but her tone was very calm.

Isabella liked her straightforwardness and directly stated her intentions.

Mandy paused for a moment, then said, “I’ll think about it and give you an answer in a couple of days.”

Isabella agreed and was willing to offer the position of CFO as an invitation. Mandy chuckled. “If you can really offer me the position of CFO, I’ll come over.”

Isabella understood and didn’t say more because they both knew what the other was thinking. Even though Nemotors had been acquired, the original

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Chapter 202 Welcome, Miss Symons, President Of The

CFO was still there and had to be dealt with first before a new person could

replace him.


Knowing it wouldn’t be easy, Isabella had looked up information the night

before to familiarize herself with the senior staff of Nemotors. As it turned out,

they were all from the Zimmers Family; even the board secretary was a

Zimmers. It was a completely family-run business, which was probably why it

was on the decline.


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