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Leave Me Alone, Mr Shaffer by Diana Tenny novel Chapter 212

Chapter 212 


Yuri’s statement was accurate. Although the Shaffer Group had acquired Nemotors, 

they only slightly surpassed the Zimmers in terms of shares. 

If Isabella had to call for a board of directors vote every time there was a slight 

movement, it would be better for her not to bother at all. 


“Miss Symons, Miss Zimmers means no harm. She just hopes that you will consider it 

carefully,” Michael intervened, playing the role of the peacemaker. As soon as he spoke, 

the meeting regained some stability. It was evident to everyone who truly held the 

power in the board of directors now. 

Isabella remained calm. She had orchestrated a good show and simply needed to wait. 

However, as soon as she fell silent, the previously silent board of directors started to 

chatter again. 

“Miss Symons was previously Mr. Shaffer’s secretary and suddenly became the 

executive director. It’s inevitable that she lacks experience.” 

09:28 Wed, Jan 10 

Chapter 212 Going For A Makeover 

“Actually, Miss Symons would be more suitable as Mr. Zimmers’ secretary. Becoming 

an executive director was too hasty.” 


“Not everyone can be an executive director. How much experience can a person in their 

twenties have?” 

Isabella finally understood. All the Zimmers in the room lacked refinement and were 

connected to Ferdie. Outside the board of directors, they would simply be seen as 


She didn’t want to argue with these people, but a person’s patience was limited, 

especially since she had checked the time several times and the person who should 

have appeared had not. 

The board of directors had turned into a marketplace, with everyone speaking more and 

more outrageously. 


Isabella knew that she couldn’t wait any longer for the person who should come, so she 

simply waved her hand and adjourned the meeting. 

09:28 Wed, Jan 10 

Chapter 212 Going For A Makeover 


She left swiftly, leaving behind a room full of people who disdainfully thought she was 

incapable since she was just a secretary who had risen to power. 


Upon holding back her anger, Isabella returned to her office with Phoebe. 

Phoebe knew she was upset, so she didn’t say anything and closed the door. 

Isabella stood there in a daze, really wanting to slap herself. 

She thought that if she sent the information to Michael’s ex-wife, she would definitely 

come to cause a scene at the company. However, Isabella underestimated the ex-wife’s 


Ruining Michael does not benefit the ex-wife, so why would a smart woman come out 

and make a fool of herself? 

Isabella slapped her forehead and sat down on the couch. 

She could completely expose Michael and his wife having a child through surrogacy, 

but that would drag Nemotors down with them… unless she completely severed 

Chapter 212 Going For A Makeover 

Nemotors from the Zimmers. 

As Isabella was contemplating, there was a sudden knock on the door. 

“Miss Symons, Mr. Roth is looking for you.” 


Isabella quickly stood up and looked out. It was Jordan, who wore a cold expression. 

Jordan was dressed in a suit and looked very serious. He entered the office and first 

bowed slightly to Isabella. 

“Mr. Shaffer has made an appointment with a stylist at Venus. He asked me to come 

and pick you up.” 

Isabella was confused. “A makeover?” 


“Yes.” Jordan glanced at his watch and said, “It’s getting late. If you have nothing else to 

do, please follow me and get in the car first.” 

Isabella was caught off guard. She didn’t have anything to prepare, so she grabbed her 

bag and followed him out. 

09:28 Wed, Jan 10 

Chapter 212 Going For A Makeover 


She wanted to ask Jordan what was going on, but Jordan only replied with a sentence, 

saying, “You can ask Mr. Shaffer later.” 

Isabella was speechless. She could only follow in silence, descending down the 

building. As she passed by many of Nemotors’ management, Isabella didn’t need to 

think twice to realize that once she left, there would be a lot of gossip. 

She couldn’t dwell on it too much. Seth was her immediate superior, and she couldn’t 

afford to offend him. 

Jordan picked up Isabella and drove toward the city center. 

Venus was owned by the Cline Family, and the owner was Courtney’s aunt, Celine Cline, 

who had gained fame in the international fashion world in recent years. 

Isabella had met Celine before. The latter was in her forties but looked like she was i 

her thirties, with a bold style and quirky personality. 

Seth least liked these kinds of people. He used to avoid getting makeovers as much as 

possible, but today, he took the initiative to go to Venus, which Isabella didn’t expect. 

Chapter 212 Going For A Makeover 

After getting out of the car, Jordan led her through the VIP passage. 

The fashion palace was even fragrant in the elevator. Isabella felt a little restrained in 

this environment, as she was not accustomed to it. 

She followed Jordan to the third floor. As soon as they got out of the elevator, they 

heard a little boy’s playful voice. 


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