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Leave Me Alone, Mr Shaffer by Diana Tenny novel Chapter 216

Chapter 216 

Isabella gritted her teeth, ready to retort, but as they entered the hotel, they were 

greeted by several prominent figures. 

“Mr. Shaffer, congratulations.” 

“Miss Symons, you are young and promising with a bright future.” 

Isabella was confused. These two individuals were the top leaders in the food and 

medical industries of Imperia, with a net worth of over 40 billion. They wouldn’t even. 

spare a glance at ten Nemotors combined, yet they were calling her “Miss Symons.” 

Feeling uneasy, she greeted them politely and followed Seth, refraining from saying a 

word for fear of ruining Seth’s image. 

After the two prominent figures mentioned that they would go in first, she quietly asked 

Seth, “Mr. Shaffer, what kind of event is this? Please tell me something so I can be 


Chapter 216 Inauguration Ceremony 


“It’s a minor matter. Why do you need to prepare? Can’t you handle it on the spot?” Seth 

raised his chin, leaving no room for negotiation. 

Isabella twitched the corner of her mouth, held her breath, and continued to play along. 

She had initially thought it was a brand launch event, but after a few steps, she realized 

it was something else entirely. 

The people entering were all individuals she had only seen at the 60th-anniversary 

celebration of the Shaffer Group. Each one of them commanded respect, and no one 

could afford to invite such a lineup for their launch event. 

As she wondered, her gaze swept across the room, and her eyes widened. 


The woman was dressed extravagantly and covered in jewelry. She was wearing four or 

five rings while looking out of place in the city. 

As soon as Isabella saw her, Yuri also noticed her. 

Chapter 216 Inauguration Ceremony 


Unlike the daytime confrontations during the meeting, as soon as Yuri saw Isabella, she 

hurriedly lifted her gown and ran over. 

“Miss Symons.” 

She was puzzled, wondering what Yuri was up to, but Yuri didn’t get the chance to get 

close as she was stopped by Seth’s bodyguard. 

Many people around them looked over. Seth remained calm and led Isabella inside. 

Isabella didn’t say anything more, lifted her gown, and followed Seth’s pace. 

She was still wondering what kind of event it was when she followed Seth into the 

elevator. As soon as they stepped out, they were greeted with a chorus of greetings. 

On the 17th floor, in the super-large conference room, a row of words were written 

above the golden door-‘Inauguration Ceremony of the President of Nemotors.” 

Isabella’s brain stopped functioning for a moment. She tried to widen her eyes, but her 

first reaction was that she had misread it. 

Chapter 216 Inauguration Ceremony 

Her heart pounded like a drum, and her breathing became difficult. She stood next to 

Seth, unable to move for a long time. 

“Have you never seen the world before?” Seth’s sarcastic voice reached her ears. 

Isabella was petrified; her neck turned stiffly, and she stared blankly at Seth. 

Seth said, “You have ten minutes to prepare your inauguration speech. If you dare to 

embarrass me, I’ll throw you into the moat.” 

Isabella blinked abruptly, finally coming back to her senses. Still, she dared not believe 

She clung to Seth’s arm as if it were a lifeline. “Mr. Shaffer, are you joking with me?” 

Seth glanced at her with a mix of mockery, speechlessness, and amusement. “What do 

you think?” 

Just then, a prominent figure from the machinery manufacturing industry passed by 

and nodded at Isabella. “Miss Symons, congratulations.” 

Chapter 216 Inauguration Ceremony 

Isabella took a deep breath, finally believing it. She licked her lips with her chest 

heaving and stared at Seth. “Mr. Shaffer, I’m not prepared…” 

“I didn’t tell you for a reason. It’s to test your ability to improvise. If you were prepared, 

why bother with this setup?” Seth hummed, his tone natural, without any trace of 


Isabella patted her chest, mentally preparing herself on the spot. 

Seth stood beside her, mercilessly urging her, “Eight minutes left.” 


Isabella was on the verge of tears, almost going wild with nervousness. She had given 

countless speeches and guided meetings as a chief secretary, but this was different. 

The people below the stage were all individuals she couldn’t even invite under normal 

circumstances. As a small-time president who was pushed onto the stage, she felt. 


Why did they have to make the inauguration ceremony so grand? It would have been 

enough with internal company personnel. 

Chapter 216 Inauguration Ceremony 


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