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Leave Me Alone, Mr Shaffer by Diana Tenny novel Chapter 235

Chapter 235 


Isabella had a restless night in the office and woke up the next morning with a stuffy 

nose. Her thoughts immediately turned to Selena, and her mood took a nosedive early 

in the day. 

Breakfast at the Nemotors cafeteria was quiet due to the early hour. It wasn’t until she 

finished her breakfast and went upstairs that the place started to fill up. 

Along the way, quite a few people greeted her, but she noticed peculiar gazes from 

several individuals she passed. 

Before reaching her office, she received a call from Alex. 

“Isabella! What’s happening with you?” 

Confused, Isabella asked, “What’s wrong?” 

Chapter 235 We Are All Flawed 

“Haven’t you checked the news?” 

Her heart skipped a beat, immediately sensing that something had happened. She 

quickly exited the call interface and turned to the gossip news page. 


Alex continued, “Oh my god, that little secretary tried to commit suicide by the river but 

was saved by a passerby!” 

Isabella stood in the hallway, refreshing the news with a blank expression. She felt as if 

she was in an ice cellar, even more shocked than when she heard about Selena’s 

pregnancy yesterday. 

A few hours ago, close to midnight, Selena had attempted suicide by the river but was 

saved by a passerby. 

Videos, pictures, and a clip of Selena crying and telling her story were circulating. 

Chapter 235 We Are All Flawed 

“I’m pregnant. He sent her to me. They tried to kill my child!” 

The ambiguous words conveyed a shocking scandal. 

As Isabella scrolled down, she found a section about herself. 

The driver who drove her yesterday took pictures and testified that she came out of 

Rise Residence, where Selena lived. 

Netizens quickly dug up her past as Seth’s secretary for five years and her recent 

appointment as the executive director of Nemotors. 

‘D*mn, Seth looks decent, but his character is so bad!” 


‘Isabella obviously climbed up to her position by sleeping around, and now she’s forcing 

the little secretary to abort. I’m disgusted.” 

Chapter 235 We Are All Flawed 

‘Sc*m man and b*tch woman. They should go to hell. 

‘Speechless. Are you all idiots? This little secretary doesn’t look like a great beauty. 

Does Seth have to be so desperate?” 

From top to bottom, there were only curses, and any rational comments were drowned 


Alex continued to talk, “Hey! What’s happening with you? Hurry up and clarify!” 


Isabella rubbed her forehead, her temples throbbing madly. She was extremely irritated. 

“Even if I were to live-stream myself jumping into the river to clarify right now, no one 

would believe me.” 

Alex remarked, “That’s really desperate. The young girl seems quite decent.” 


Chapter 235 We Are All Flawed 

Isabella laughed self-deprecatingly. “Maybe what she said is true?” 



Alex snorted, “What kind of nonsense are you talking about? Do I not know what kind of 

person you are?” 

Isabella felt a bit comforted. Then, she said a few words casually and quickly hung up 

the phone. 


as Isabella hung up, Phoebe entered with a grim expression. “Miss Symons, Mr. 

Zimmers has arrived.” 

Isabella was slightly surprised. She didn’t expect Ferdie to show up at this time. 

She knocked on the table. “Please ask Mr. Zimmers to wait for me in the meeting 



Chapter 235 We Are All Flawed 

In the hospital. 



The atmosphere in the ward was as cold as an ice cellar. Fiona, reporting the situation, 

didn’t dare to move, let alone look at Seth’s expression. 

The man sat on the bed. His icy gaze swept over the news section in front of him. 

“Six people were watching a young girl, and she managed to escape?” 

Jordan stood by his side, his head lowered. “Mr. Shaffer, it’s my fault.” 

Seth’s sharp gaze shot over, his thin lips moving slightly. “Your speed of admitting your 

mistake doesn’t seem to match your ability.” 

Jordan’s eyes flickered as he stood up straight. “Please give me two hours, and I’ll bring 

her back.” 


Chapter 235 We Are AllFlawed 


“Bring her back? And allow the outside world to speculate whether we killed her?” Seth 

responded emotionlessly. 


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