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Leave Me Alone, Mr Shaffer by Diana Tenny novel Chapter 304

Chapter 304 The Value Of Mr Shaffer’s Dignity 

Chapter 304 

There was a reward for obtaining the gem. 

Seth wrote a blank check without bothering to fill in the numbers and went straight 

back to bed, leaving Isabella in a frenzy. 

After finishing the last chocolate bar, she rinsed her mouth with water and carefully 

crawled back to her original spot on the bed. 

In the darkness, she turned her head to look at the person next to her. 

“Mr. Shaffer, you’re so wealthy. You wouldn’t bother with small change, would you?” 

Seth hummed lightly, conservatively refusing to answer. 

Isabella rolled her eyes in the dark; seeing that he wouldn’t loosen his lips, she turned 

Fire Cash 




Chapter 304 The Value Of Mr Shaffer’s Dignity 

her head away. 

Sigh. I should sleep first. A blank check is better than nothing. 

After closing her eyes, the surroundings were quiet except for the chirping of insects 


The day had been too exhausting, especially after the recent turmoil, and they were 

both out of energy, not knowing who had fallen asleep first. 

The next disturbance was in the morning when someone knocked on the door. 

Isabella sat up groggily. Upon turning her head, she saw Seth sitting on the edge of the 

bed with a gloomy face, clearly annoyed at being disturbed early in the morning. 

Before Seth could speak, Isabella wisely went to check who it was. 

Fire Cash 




Chapter 304 The Value Of Mr Shaffer’s Dignity 

The gate of the yard was of little use, but people outside still waited politely. 

When Isabella opened the door, she found it was the old man from yesterday. 

The old man was cheerful, peering into their yard with a bit of surprise that they could 

live there. 

“I’m going to the field. I’m here to inform you that there’s a vegetable seller in the village. 

You should go early.” 

Isabella was grateful and quickly thanked the old man, who waved his hand. “Hurry up, 

or you won’t be able to buy anything.” 

The old man was about to leave after a few words, but he seemed to remember 

something and came back to talk to Isabella. 

He nodded toward Alice’s house next door. “She has a nephew living in the village, a 

Fire Cash 




Chapter 304 The Value Of Mr Shaffer’s Dignity 

troublemaker. Don’t let him deceive you.” 

Isabella was surprised. She initially believed Alice had no relatives, but then the 

realization struck her-Alice’s surname was Klinton, and the village itself was named 

Klinton Village. After considering this, it seemed entirely reasonable for her to have 

relatives in the area. 

She thanked the old man again and rushed back to the house to bring out the large bo 

of matsutake mushrooms, insisting that the old man take them. 

Rural people embodied honesty and gratitude. Upon receiving something from 

someone, they couldn’t resist sharing more about their thoughts and experiences. 

The old man continued, “She has a lot of wheat in her field, and it’s not all harvested 

yet. If it rains a couple more times, it’ll be ruined. Every year, it’s like this, and she never 

asks for help.” 


Fire Cash 



Chapter 304 The Value Of Mr Shaffer’s Dignity 

The old man spoke with regret. He highlighted Alice’s limitations despite the quality of 

the produce she grew. It was unfortunate that she allowed them to go to waste. 

Isabella listened attentively to everything. After that, she politely escorted the old man 

to the end of the wheat field. 

When she returned, Seth was sitting at the table, massaging his temples. 

“Mr. Shaffer, you can sleep a little longer. I’ll go to the village to buy some vegetables, 

and we can visit Mrs. Klinton at noon.” 

Seth looked up with his eyes tired. “Are you going alone?” 

Isabella didn’t see a problem. “The people here are nice. I can go by myself.” 

Seth scoffed, rising to fetch his clothes. “In remote and impoverished areas, 

troublemakers are inevitable. Don’t assume everyone is an angel just because you’ve 


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