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Leave Me Alone, Mr Shaffer by Diana Tenny novel Chapter 317

Chapter 317 Don’t Sleep 

Chapter 317 


Upon hearing the word ‘death, Seth felt a pang in his chest and immediately quickened 

his pace. 

The sun had already set, the surroundings were remote and difficult to navigate, and he 

was unsure of the exact location of the village doctor. His only option was to muster all 

his strength and head back to the village. 

The person on his back was breathing weaker and weaker. At first, there were a few 

words, then only moans, and finally, even the sound disappeared. As he ran, Seth called 

out to Isabella, “Stay awake!” 

How could she stay awake when her whole body was numb? Isabella vaguely hea 

Seth’s voice, but her mind was a mess. Her eyelids were so heavy that she couldn’t li 

them at all. She only felt her body getting lighter and lighter, and finally, she couldn’t 

hear the surrounding sounds. 



PAIRS Yodi Relationship… 



08:45 Mon, Feb 5 ✡ 

ter 317 Dot Swed 

h kept calling out the couldn’t get a response from Isabella.sabetia!la!” 

nm…” In her dazezshe was starded and responded unconsciously. 


h was somewhat comfortede anandche ramlall the way to the entrance of the villagege, 

ere he happened to run into the albidanan who had brought them here that day. Thehe 

man wanted to greet then, but Seth imim coadjetely asked loudly, “Where is the villagege 


old man was startled, and seeing isabetlekasalate face, he thought she had 

tstroke. “Oh dear, hurry, follow me.” The old man wavasolt and couldn’t walk fast even 

e wanted to.. Seth followed him, feeling anxious, bisiatecassonancheckup. 

ally, they crossed the square, and the sign for the villageodottatovavas not far aw 

hout waiting for the old man, Seth carried Isabella towards ththegian.. 

is susumanervevening, there were no patients here. There was only a dotootedozing 

APA PAIRS Yodi Relationship… 



08:45 Mon, Feb 5 G 

Chapter 317 Don’t Sleep 

off. Seth kicked open the door and shouted, “Doctor!!” 


The doctor was startled awake, and looking up, he saw the fierce and serious 


of a 

young man. Then he saw the woman on his back. 

This situation was likely a big problem. 

“Drowned?” There was a reservoir behind the village, and there were always drowning 

incidents in the summer, so the doctor asked instinctively. 

Seth put Isabella on the bed, his expression grave, “She was bitten by a snake! Give her 


The doctor’s face changed. “Where are we supposed to get antivenom in our vill 

Seth’s heart sank, and without waiting for the doctor to speak, he immediately took out 

his phone and made a call on the spot. 


PAIRS Yodi Relationship… 




08:45 Mon, Feb 5 

Chapter 317 Don’t Sleep 

The doctor could tell that these two were not ordinary people, so he didn’t dare to 

interrupt. He went to check Isabella’s condition. 

Seth stood at the door, his voice uncontrollably loud as he shouted, “Bring a helicopter 

and prepare the antivenom! You know what to do!” 

The doctor was startled by the shout, and his examination of Isabella’s pupils was 


He licked his lips and took another careful look at Isabella’s pupils. “Young lady?” 


After finishing the call, Seth turned around and saw the useless doctor hovering a 

Isabella. He was irritated, “What are you doing?” 


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