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Leave Me Alone, Mr Shaffer by Diana Tenny novel Chapter 45

Chapter 45

Isabella felt challenged, and she got motivated. It was a sleepless night for

her, and her brain was working at top speed. Her plan changed from ‘how to

dodge Jonas’ to ‘how to get rid of Jonas.’ The alarm eventually rang, but

Isabella didn’t feel tired at all. The truth was, she was excited. She washed up

and left the room.

Natasha was having a glass of water in the lounge. She was shocked to see

Isabella. “I thought you were only going at 9.00AM.” It’s only 6.00AM now.

Isabella shrugged. “I have nothing to do, so I’m getting breakfast near the

company and strolling around.

Natasha thought she looked lively, and she nodded. “Good.”

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Isabella grabbed a bottle of milk and left, but she stopped at the porch and

turned around. “Natasha,” she said, hesitating.

Natasha noticed the hesitation, and she knew what Isabella wanted to say.

“What do you want to say?”

A pause later, Isabella said, “I saw Dariel in the racecourse that day. He

“He has another girl with him?” Natasha cocked an eyebrow.

Isabella was stunned upon hearing that. “You knew?”

Natasha shrugged nonchalantly. “No. Just had a guess.”

Isabella felt for her, and she cursed herself for saying so much. “I just…”


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“It’s alright.” Natasha smiled and patted Isabella’s shoulder. “I like his money,

not the man himself. I don’t care how many chicks he has.”

Isabella knew Natasha was an open-minded woman, but it was still a little

weird hearing her say that, and she was speechless.

Natasha was wearing a camisole, and she put a hand in the pocket of her

shorts. Nonchalantly, she said, “Once I get enough money from him, I won’t

even give him a moment of my time even if he grovels.”


Isabella wondered if that was true. She smiled. “Just don’t fall for his looks. He

might be a sc*mbag, but he’s handsome.”

Natasha smiled and poked Isabella’s chest. “Time to work, girl.”

“Alright, alright. I’m going.” Isabella took a step back and turned around to

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open the door. “I’m coming back victorious.”

Natasha cheered her on. Even after the door had closed, Isabella could still

hear her. Isabella left the courtyard, and her smile disappeared. She had no

idea what to feel.

She got a ride to the company and had a feast in the mall next door. She

then got herself a couple of lipsticks and a few clothes. Then, she got a new

suitcase and packed things up. Now I look like I’m going on a business trip.

She went to work at 9.00AM. Jonas was at the reception, and when he saw

her, his eyes shone.


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