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Leave Me Alone, Mr Shaffer by Diana Tenny novel Chapter 48

Chapter 48

The room was dark. Someone knocking on the door at this moment was like

getting smacked on the back when someone was walking in the night.

Isabella didn’t make a sound. She went to the door and looked through the

peephole. It was a waiter. She said nothing, just to be safe. Instead, she

tucked her laptop away and turned on the faucet in the bathroom.

As expected, a while later, the lock started to creak. Isabella held her phone

and stood by the window. She looked down and jumped off without

hesitation. It wasn’t asphalt but gravel waiting for her. She sprained her ankle

on the way down, and the pain made her frown.

Worried she might be caught, she left in a hurry, holding down her pain. She

reached the main road and hailed a ride. It was almost 9.00PM, and

Chapter 48 Seth

Tor You

everything was dark. Isabella was in a city she wasn’t familiar with, so she

had no place to stay.

“Should I stop right ahead, miss?” The driver was a little cautious, seeing that

Isabella didn’t look alright.

Isabella thought the place looked crowded enough, so she told the driver to

let her get out there. Jonas would come after her once he found out she was

gone. He would not stop that easily.

She reached a quiet corner and called Natasha. It took Natasha a while

before she picked up. Natasha sent a couple of men over to her as promised,

and she said, “Don’t do anything until my men get there. Stay safe.”

Isabella agreed. She then hung up and waited at the roadside. There were

people all around, and she felt awkward standing around like a mannequin.

Chapter 48 Seth Went for You

In the end, she went to a street that had cafes and restaurants in it. It was

quiet but not remote.

She stood outside an eatery and got a call from Jonas. Panicked, she didn’t

realize someone was closing in on her from behind.


Ice-cold water fell down her back, and Isabella almost jumped. She whirled

and was met with a terrified young lady. She probably came out of a

restaurant after having dinner, and she was holding a cup of something. She

didn’t see Isabella since she was fooling around with her friends, and she

bumped into her.

Isabella was grumpy, but she had no time to waste, so she let the young lady

go, much to her annoyance. Her phone was still ringing, but she ignored it.

He’ll get annoyed.

Chapter 48 Seth Went for You

Her back was drenched, and a gust of icy breeze blew across the street. The

cold seeped into her bones, and she felt goosebumps flaring all over her.


The streetlamps shone upon the water on the ground, making it look a little


Isabella heaved a sigh and cursed Jonas in her heart. I’ll make him pay! She

was spacing out, then her phone rang again. She looked down and saw that

it was from Natasha. “Hey.”


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