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Leave Me Alone, Mr Shaffer by Diana Tenny novel Chapter 51

Chapter 51

Seth gave her a scornful look. Annoyed, he said, “You’ve only left work for

days, and you’ve forgotten all the stuff you worked on for years?”

Isabella choked on her words. She had worked for Seth for five years, and

they had experience meeting clients late at night, but those were rare

occurrences. “Who are you seeing?” she asked.

Seth buttoned the last button on his shirt and stood before the mirror. He


stood tall, and he felt oppressive even when he wasn’t talking. He raised his

chin. “Jonathan Gosling.”

“Mr. Gosling?” Isabella was shocked, and she almost let go of the blanket.

Seth said nothing. That was a tacit agreement.

16:25 Tue, 26 Dec

Chapter 51 She’s Not Suitable

Isabella was silent. She was worried. Jonathan was a retired government

man and a very high-ranking official. He was nearly eighty, and he was

seeing Seth at this hour. If anything were to happen to Jonathan, it would be

bad. “Mr. Shaffer, Mr. Gosling’s heart isn’t as healthy as it was. This isn’t the


best hour to see him.”

Seth strode to the couch without looking back. He made a call and told

someone to prepare the files. He then hung up and noticed that Isabella was

looking at him. “I’m not going alone,” he commented.

Isabella got what he was saying. He must be waiting for Jonathan to make

the decision on something important, and a group of people were going to

meet him as well. He was in that group.

Seth finished changing and left. A moment later, someone came in. Isabella

heard his voice, and she knew it was Ollie.

Chapter 51 She’s Not Suitable

“Mr. Shaffer, the Hanks have left. It is now Ronald and Christopher Larson’s


Seth asked coolly, “Have they met?”

“Only said hi at the doorway. Nothing more,” Ollie answered.

Seth said nothing.

Isabella got out of bed, still covering herself with a blanket. She quickly

changed into a robe and leaned on the door to listen in.

Seth was about to move, and he told Ollie to get prepared. Isabella quickly

got up, but it was too late to run. Seth opened the door and realized she was

listening in. He looked at her coldly and picked up the watch he left behind,

but he said nothing.


Chapter 51 She’s Not Suitable

Out of an old habit, she said, “Mr. Shaffer, Mr. Gosling isn’t as young as he


used to be. It’s not advisable for someone with his condition to stay up late at

night. If you have to talk, make sure you keep an eye on the time.”

Seth shot her a mysterious look.

Isabella licked her lips. She mused about it for a moment before adding, “And

Selena’s not a suitable partner for this.”


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