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Leave Me Alone, Mr Shaffer by Diana Tenny novel Chapter 53

Chapter 53

The light of the hospital’s corridor was blinding. A bunch of people gathered

at the operating theater’s doorway, taking up all the space. Seth was on a

bench, the look on his face cold. The air around him was tense and

dangerous, and no one dared to talk to him.


“You’re such a professional, Mr. Shaffer. Half an hour of conversation, and Mr.

Gosling had a heart attack.” Christopher was a lad in his twenties, and he was

haughty and arrogant. While his father was soothing Jonathan’s family, he

mocked Seth quietly.

He was only three years younger than Seth, and yet Seth’s achievements

dwarfed his. Truth be told, he was jealous.

Seth said nothing, but Nicolas couldn’t hold it in. He stayed as deadpan as

Chapter 53 Greedy, You Are

possible, and he quietly retorted, “If you’re hungry for a fight, you should go

back and calm down. Don’t yell at my boss.”

Christopher’s eyes went wide. He couldn’t believe a secretary would be that

bold as to mock him.

Seth, who had a scornful expression, looked at Nicolas and cocked an


A masked doctor came out of the operating theater. “I’m sorry. It took us all

we could to stabilize his condition. We’re calling a meeting and coming up

with a consensus.”

Amelia Gosling almost fell. A bunch of people held her up, but they couldn’t

comment much on the matter. All they could do was console her.


Chapter 53 Greedy, You Are


As the one who witnessed the whole affair, Seth was in an awkward position.

Jonathan’s heart attack was the result of the elderly man’s longtime

exhaustion. Seth wasn’t responsible for it, but it looked like he was the one

who riled Jonathan so much that he fell ill.

Seth wanted the right to develop an ore mountain that Jonathan had. A few

families in Imperia wanted that too.

The Hanks’ representative was Spencer Hanks, the family head. He was older

than Seth’s father. The father and son duo from the Larson Family came as

well, and every other family tried to butter up the Goslings as much as they


Seth was the only one who was young and alone, and yet he went toe to toe

with everyone else. He was brilliant, courteous, and professional. He shone

over everyone else, so the other families wanted to work together and kick

him out.


Someone took Amelia away so she could rest. Only Felix Gosling, who was the

son of Jonathan, was left. He was a man nearing his fifties, and he was also

wearing himself out.

Spencer, the sly old fox, stepped in to butter up the Goslings again. “Get some


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