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Leave Me Alone, Mr Shaffer by Diana Tenny novel Chapter 56

Chapter 56


Isabella screamed in her heart. She wanted to turn around and pull Seth’s

head off. God, how did his parents raise him? He’s as stubborn as a mule. She

had something to gain from him, however, so she couldn’t let things go silent,

or she’d have worked for nothing.

Just when she was about to say something, Nicolas’ voice came in. “Mr.

Shaffer, Selena brought something. Should I bring it inside?”

Isabella chortled silently and refused to speak anymore. Seth didn’t open his

eyes either, but he didn’t object.

Nicolas carefully opened the door and came in with a backpack. Isabella saw

him taking out a blanket, and he handed it to Seth. “Here, cover yourself, sir.

You’ll catch a cold here.”


Seth frowned in frustration, but he took the blanket and said, “Leave and find

a place to sleep. Don’t disturb me.”

“Yes, sir.”

Isabella pouted and glanced at the backpack. Aside from the blanket, there

were clothes and bathing supplies. Man, she’s working like she’s his wife. She

started another conversation. “Do you think Selena’s good enough, Mr.


Seth frowned. The exhaustion was annoying him. He took a deep breath.

“Shut it.”

Isabella rolled her eyes. She lay back down on her bed and finished rubbing

the salve over her ankle. She could rest, so she lay on her back fully.

Exhaustion and panic welled within her heart. She felt her heart thumping,


and it made her uncomfortable.


Still, she drifted to sleep, but the ice-cold temperature woke her up, and she

heard hurried footsteps shuffling outside. Nicolas came in and woke Seth up.

“Mr. Shaffer, Mr. Gosling is awake, and he wishes to see you.”

Seth opened his eyes and wiped his face. He tossed the blanket away and

got up. When he came to the doorway, he turned around and looked at


Isabella wasn’t feeling sleepy anymore. She pushed herself up and saw Seth

staring at her.

“Come out,” Seth said curtly. He straightened his clothes out and went to the

operating theater.


Isabella smacked her cheeks. She gritted her teeth and changed into her

shoes, and then she hobbled after Seth.


Jonathan was in the ICU, and a group of people were standing outside. When

they saw Seth, they had weird looks in their eyes. It felt like they were wolves

trying to gang up on a lion. And then a little lamb hobbled behind that lion,

smiling like a little devil.

Felix went over and patted Seth’s shoulder. “Sorry for this. You must’ve had a

rough sleep. Dad wanted to see you as soon as he woke up after he heard


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