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Leave Me Alone, Mr Shaffer by Diana Tenny novel Chapter 60

Chapter 60 The Battle of Wits



Isabella’s face scrunched up, and she grumbled, “Did you cross anyone here,

Mr. Stokes?”

Jonas was stunned. He didn’t realize he got checkmated. “Me?”

Isabella nodded. “Yeah. This is my first time in this city. Didn’t cross anyone

either. Couldn’t have been me, so…” She trailed off and approached Jonas’

bed. “Did you sign the contract with Mr. Lime? Maybe you got in someone’s


The look on Jonas’ face changed. He mused over that statement and started

harboring doubts.

Isabella seized that chance and sighed. “If I hadn’t escaped fast enough, God


knew what they would do to me. I’m a girl. That was scary.”


Jonas clicked his tongue. He felt a little embarrassed just thinking how much

he yelled at her just now. “Sorry, Isabella. Just had a lapse of judgment.”

Isabella heaved a sigh and took a seat by the bed, exhausted. “It’s alright. You

had it rough too. You look a lot worse than I am. What are you going to tell

everyone when we get back?”

Jonas frowned. He was a little panicky too. “The contract’s fine. Mr. Lime has

sent Ms. Sue to sign the contract here. I can’t move, though. Can’t go back to

Imperia right away.”

Just what I need. I can finally avoid seeing this disgusting pig for a while.

“Once the contract is signed, you go back without me. Can’t keep work


waiting.” Jonas gritted his teeth. I’ll take this risk. He then looked at Isabella

quizzically. “This deal involves dozens of cars. You won’t botch it, will you?”

Isabella put on a look of surprise and pushed herself up. “Of course, Mr.

Stokes. I’m not stupid. I know how important this is. I won’t let you down.”

Jonas heaved a sigh of relief and leaned over to hold Isabella’s hand.

“Isabella, last night-”

Someone knocked on the door.

“Who’s there?”

Someone opened the door, and in came Mandy. She’d dressed herself up.

Jonas’ eyes shone. “Ah, Ms. Sue.”


The ladies exchanged a look. There was a silent message in it. “I heard you

were assaulted, Mr. Stokes. Mr. Lime told me to visit you right away.”


Mandy’s voice had a slight purr to it. If she talked a little slower, it would sound


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