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Leave Me Alone, Mr Shaffer by Diana Tenny novel Chapter 69

Chapter 69



Isabella had just finished her shower around 3.00AM. Just then, a third round

of knocking began, and it was the same waiter as before. Isabella was

already numb to it. So, she let the waiter bring the meal into the room and

closed the door expressionlessly.

This time, it was a dish of fish mixed with foie gras, which was also the same

dish she had for dinner. If she had guessed it right, there were seven more

dishes waiting for her, along with a serving of ice cream.

God! Isabella felt as though she was about to lose it, but she couldn’t exactly

scream out loud. In the end, she had to force herself to swallow her rage. She

already had a suspect in mind, but it seemed unlikely. After all, how could

Seth be so childish? Yet, she couldn’t think of a second person beside him. If it

were Seth, she would have no choice but to endure it. She was only suffering

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Chapter 69 Thanking an Idiot Through the Phone


from lack of sleep now. However, things would only take a turn for the worse if

she angered him.

She sat at the dining table and stuffed the food in her mouth out of

frustration. Her cheeks bulged as she kept shoveling food in her mouth,

resembling a pufferfish.

The knocking became more frequent for the next half an hour. Yet, the dishes

were delivered one after another until she finally got her hands on the ice


Just as Isabella thought she could finally have a moment of peace to herself,

the waiter said, “The wine you ordered will be here shortly. Please wait for a


Isabella took a deep breath and stood by the door without saying anything.

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Chapter 69 Thanking an Idiot Through the Phone


When the waiter brought the wine, she immediately knew just who the culprit

was. After all, this bottle was the same one she had drunk that night. It was

that bottle that cost her almost 11 thousand!

She closed the door and felt the rational part of herself slowly retreating into

the deepest corners of her mind. Then, various solutions quickly flitted across

her mind.

She knew she would be humiliating herself if she called Seth. Alas, she

wouldn’t know what she had done to make him upset if she didn’t ask him

about it.

Isabella patted her forehead. She was already exhausted.

It was already 4.00AM, and she had three hours left to sleep.

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Chapter 69 Thanking an Idiot Through the Phone


Forget it. I’ll apologize to him when I wake up later. Otherwise, I might not even.

get through tomorrow.

She flopped on the bed and decided to throw her problems aside as she

closed her eyes and fell asleep.

After a sweet sleep, Isabella opened her eyes and noticed the room was

dimly lit. Nonetheless, she could tell that it wasn’t early in the morning any

longer. She immediately pushed herself off the bed and grabbed her phone.

Then, she noticed it was already 11.00AM. She tugged her hair in frustration,

feeling her scalp tingling with pain as her mind went blank.

Thank god Jonas isn’t around. That way, I can come up with an excuse. I

could claim that I was meeting with my clients and hopefully get through the

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Chapter 69 Thanking an Idiot Through the Phone

day, even if it meant that my pay would get deducted.


As she thought of that, she felt herself calming down. So, she decided to take

her time to wash up before limping downstairs for breakfast. When she was

seated in the cafe, she figured she might as well give Seth a call. After some

consideration, she reluctantly dialed his number.


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