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Leave Me Alone, Mr Shaffer by Diana Tenny novel Chapter 77

Chapter 77


Isabella stood frozen in place while recalling her communication with her

assistant. They had spoken on the phone; she hadn’t recorded anything, and

the money had been transferred directly by the assistant without any explicit

indications or remarks.

Upon realizing the situation, she suddenly calmed down and spoke

mechanically. “Miss Shaffer, are you trying to vent your anger on me?”

“I invited you that day, but you didn’t come.” Lara justified herself and showed

no remorse.

Isabella’s lips twitched, and her smile was strained. “Can’t you let me go?”

Lara clicked her tongue. “Why are you saying that? I haven’t bullied you.”


“I understand. Thank you for teaching me a lesson, Miss Shaffer.”

“You’re welcome.”

After hanging up, Isabella was trembling with anger. She downed a large

glass of water and managed to gradually calm herself down after that.


Alex entered and was startled by Isabella’s expression. “What’s wrong with


Isabella sneered. “I’ve been played.”

Alex froze and then recalled. “Is it the issue with the Ghost?”

Isabella didn’t deny it, and her eyes were fixed on the ground. She silently

brought out a dark plan that she had intended to keep hidden.


She smiled at Alex with a distorted expression, which made Alex uneasy.

As Isabella walked out of the pantry, she calmly returned to her desk. She

opened a drawer to retrieve the deposit contract. However, the two pages

with Lara’s electronic signature had been torn out. It was exactly as she had


Other than Abigail, Isabella couldn’t think of any other person in the office

who had the motive to do this.

Just as she contemplated confronting the possible culprit, there was a

commotion outside.

Soon after, Jonas rushed into the office, his face filled with urgency. “Isabella,

what happened with the Ghost?”


Isabella swallowed hard and was unsure how to explain.


“Abigail said you were deceived, and nobody wants the car?” Jonas pressed

while his eyes widened.

Isabella slammed the contract onto the desk nearby. “As you can see, this is

a collusion. I’ve been deceived.”

Jonas didn’t care whether she had been deceived or not; even if she had, it

was her fault. He was concerned about who would foot the bill for the car

that was worth nearly 750 thousand.

“Don’t give me nonsense. How do we resolve this?”

Isabella felt helpless as she retorted, “How should I know?”


Jonas was shocked. “What’s with your attitude?”

“What attitude do you expect me to have when insiders in the company

deceive me? I feel betrayed to my core,” Isabella said before throwing her

hands up in resignation.


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