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Leave Me Alone, Mr Shaffer by Diana Tenny novel Chapter 92

Chapter 92


Isabella had obtained the document but was pondering over how to deal

with Jonas. Just then, she looked up and happened to see his insincere smile

through the window. As she was twirling a ballpoint pen between her fingers,

a great idea suddenly came to her mind.

“Who is in for trouble with that creepy smile of yours?” Alex teased her as she

passed by.

Isabella withdrew her gaze and smirked. “Come on, that was a kindly smile.”

“You haven’t closed any deals this month, have you?” Alex took a sip of water

while looking at her. “Don’t you feel pressured about it?” she asked, to which

Isabella shrugged. “I closed a deal for myself, didn’t I?”

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Chapter 92 A Death Wish Granted

Alex rolled her eyes. “Try closing a deal for yourself every month if you dare.”


I’ll be out of here in less than three months, and then these crappy sales

won’t bother me anymore, Isabella thought to herself. With two big plans in

mind, she had no mood for work, so she kept checking the time on her phone.

She waited for what seemed like an eternity until the end of the workday, at

which she grabbed her bag and prepared to leave. However, she wasn’t

intending to go home. “Is the alley behind our office crowded?” she asked


Alex patted her face. “Yeah, it’s bustling with lots of bars and such,” she

replied before stopping herself mid-sentence. She reminded Isabella, “But

there are always street racers showing off their driving skills there. Just a

couple of days ago, two girls got bruised all over from being knocked over in

the alley.”

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Chapter 92 A Death Wish Granted

Isabella’s gaze flickered, and she replied with a faint smile, “I’m just going

there for a meal.”

Not noticing anything unusual about her, Alex then left with her bag.


Isabella made a special effort to fix her makeup in the break room. Then, with

her bag in hand, she gracefully sashayed into the bar-filled alley at the back.

She first went to a pub, where she grabbed something to eat and waited until

_nightfall. After that, she entered the alley alone.

The alley wasn’t deserted; people were coming and going, making it nearly

impossible to abduct someone. However, it would be very easy to knock

someone over in this alley.

Isabella strolled leisurely, her footsteps relaxed and unhurried. She seemed

quite out of place with the hustle and bustle of the alley, but thanks to her

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Chapter 92 A Death Wish Granted


striking good looks, some men came up and tried to hit on her. She turned

down several of them, but one kept following her, seemingly intending to

attach himself to her.


Just when she was finding the man bothersome, the roar of engines echoed

at the alley’s entrance.

“Get out of the way! It’s the street racers!”

Seeing the headlights approaching from a distance, the man who had been

trying to hit on her quickly dodged to the side in fear.

Isabella’s heart raced. Having anticipated this moment, she stood there

unmoving as if petrified. She didn’t scream until the motorcycle was almost

in front of her. However, it was already too late for her to dodge. The

motorcyclist didn’t let up on the gas either; he was actually aiming straight at

Chapter 92 A Death Wish Granted


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