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Leave Me Alone, Mr Shaffer by Diana Tenny novel Chapter 94

hapter 94


The situation was tense and explosive, prompting the store’s staff to urgently

call for their manager.

“Ladies, is there an issue with our service?” asked the store manager, trying to

defuse the situation.

“It’s none of your business. Get out of my face!” Lara snapped, not giving a

damn to such a mere nobody.

The store manager, whose face turned livid one moment and red the next,

instantly eyed her with dislike. While she had come across wealthy heiresses,

someone so lacking in manners was a first for her.

“What are you staring at? Why haven’t you called the security guards?” Lara

09:54 Fri, 29 Dec


Chapter 94 Take Off Your Clothes and Leave Them Be

shot a vicious glare at the store manager. Then, she actually drew out her

own business card from her bag. “I’m Lara Shaffer. Tell your manager to

come with the security guards and throw this woman out of here!”


The taken-aback store manager glanced at the calm and composed

Isabella before turning back to look at Lara. For a moment, she felt uncertain

about how to proceed.

-Outside, a clueless store assistant had already phoned the mall manager,

who arrived with a group of security guards. “What’s going on here?”

The store manager looked at the mall manager, then glanced at Isabella.


“Get this woman out of here.” Lara pointed at Isabella.


Chapter 94 Take Off Your Clothes and Leave Them Be

The mall manager couldn’t see Isabella’s face. Still, he thought Lara looked

quite familiar. Even so, he was unsure of just who Lara was.


“Are you blind? Can’t you recognize my face?” Lara yelled, pointing at the

manager, her face contorted with rage.

Her response instantly confirmed the manager’s guess. “Sorry, Miss Shaffer. I

apologize for our inadequate service,” he apologized. As the mall belonged to

the Shaffers, they naturally had the authority to kick out whoever they

wanted. “Miss, please leave the mall,” he said, approaching Isabella with a

somewhat respectful demeanor.

Since Isabella had no intention of putting these workers in a difficult position,

she promptly picked up her belongings and stood up. She had bought

everything she needed, anyway. So, she didn’t mind allowing Lara to throw

her weight around.

09:54 Fri, 29 Dec

Chapter 94 Take Off Your Clothes and Leave Them Be

“Wait a minute,” blurted Summer.

Isabella continued walking but was stopped by the security guards.


Summer walked over to Lara’s side and whispered a few words in her ear.

Lara chuckled and looked at Isabella. “I almost forgot that everything you’re

wearing was purchased here. I’m not selling them anymore. Take them all


Isabella was stunned. This woman’s thinking is simply astonishing! Yet, she’s

actually a member of the Shaffer Family, just like Seth. She turned around

and replied with a calm attitude, “Miss Shaffer, I’ve paid for these clothes.

Therefore, they’re my personal belongings now.”

“There’s an issue with these items, so the brand is recalling them and will


Chapter 94 Take Off Your Clothes and Leave Them Be


compensate you tenfold.” Lara folded her arms arrogantly. “However, you will

have to leave the clothes, the hat, and the sunglasses behind at once.”


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