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At the same time, Inside Tianshang De Kongjian.. Living room in Moon Palace..
Ming Yue asked, curiosity could be seen on her face. Currently the Wu family and the four beasts gathered in Moon Palace's living room. They were discussing about the dark green feather that the man with brown hair had in his hand.
"Yes. That feather is a feather of a Songsi, mountain demon. They never attack mortals nor they have any ill will toward them." Xuan Wu explained, "More over they never left the mountain."
"U-um.. I think this one has attacked human and left the mountain then joined the witch clan." Ling Mao added nervously.
"I think that's what most likely happened." Xuan Wu agreed to Ling Mao's words, "A peaceful Demon that already know the taste of mortal's blood, it can never forget the taste. It will desire mortals more and more."
"So this Songsi is the one that Xiao Yin's mother made a contract with?" Grandpa Wu asked.
"Most likely but we don't know for sure yet." Ming Yue answered, "We don't have much lead about this Songsi. So far this demon only attack Xiao Yin's mother but not Xiao Yin, so we can only assume it like that."
Grandpa Wu nodded in understanding, "Okay so for the time being, we can put this matter side and focus on more important one."
Ming Yue tilted her head slightly, looking confused, "More important one?"
"It's your welcoming party. A party to introduce you formally as Wu Family." Shi Jian said and he raised his hand when Ming Yue was about to say something, "I won't accept any refusal nor buts. Yue'er, I want all people in D city know that you are now my daughter."
"True, I don't want to hear anyone say that you are the cursed child of D City!" Fan Mei said, her face showed serious she was about this matter. "You are Wu Ming Yue, My beloved daughter. The three of you are the children I am proud of."
"I agree! Sister Yue is the sister I am proud of!" Lin Shao grinned, making a guts pose.
"Let's show those people that Sister Yue is not someone they can insult as a cursed child anymore!" Lin Zhao nodded solemnly while crossing her arms beneath her bosom, acting so proudly.
Grandpa Wu and Shi Jian laughed hard while Fan Mei giggled seeing the twins' antics. Ming Yue couldn't help but smile gently, feeling warm inside. She was grateful to heaven for its gift. The gift to be the member of this warm and loving family.
"Thank you." Ming Yue said earnestly.
"What are you saying 'Thank you' for?" Grandpa Wu snorted, looking displeased. "You are my granddaughter, this is a given!"
Fan Mei clapped her hands once, "Rather than that, let's discuss about the party! Let's make grand!" she said excitedly, "We will going to have the party at most luxurious hotel in D City! Then the clothes! we need to shop and.."
Fan Mei excitedly discussed the details of the party with Lin Zhao and Zhu Que. Ming Yue was left dumbfounded and speechless seeing the three females were so excited about something like this. Deep down she felt a little bit weird and worried. In the past, Ming Yue used to be excited about shopping, clothes, parties and all of those worldly things. Yet, she didn't feel anything at all for such things now.
Was it because she was no longer mortal?
But Zhu Que looked excited and she was not a mortal..
What was the reason then..?
"Master?" Ling Mao's voice brought Ming Yue back from her deep thought, "Is something wrong?" The child's eyes stared at Ming Yue's expression with worry clearly painted in those golden eyes.
Ming Yue smiled and patted Ling Mao's head gently, "I am fine. Just think of something."
As she turned her gaze from Ling Mao, Ming Yue finally noticed that the three beasts had their eyes focused on her. Feeling slightly embarrassed for being caught in a daze, Ming Yue cleared her throat and spoke, "I was just thinking, there are so many details in the party which make me nervous."
"I thought you are having one of those days." Bai Hu spoke, being tactless as always while Qing Long and Xuan Wu stared at him in disbelief.
Ming Yue stunned and her eyes slightly narrowed as she stared at Bai Hu, "One of those days?" She asked, her tone became low and dangerous. Both Qing Long and Xuan Wu noticed the change in Ming Yue tone. Their bodies stiffened instantly.
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