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Rebirth of the Prime Dragon Master novel Chapter 108

Rocky was not able to control his lust any longer.

Both of them were soon lost in the overwhelming desire.

A hint of pain appeared on Lena's face the moment Rocky stuck himself inside her. She grasped Rocky by the shoulder tightly, which subsequently made him thrust just a little bit harder. And she was drowned in another wave of excitement.

Meanwhile in the Violet Cloud Hall, the emperor of the Holy Dragon Empire was reviewing several files while Allison ground ink beside him.

"Allison, it's gotten a bit late now. Let me walk you to your residence," the emperor softly suggested. He knew that Allison was in a bad health condition, so he was very gentle with her. Seeing that she still served him despite her condition just added the affection he felt towards her.

"It's alright, Your Majesty. I can go back alone. You're so busy. You should go to rest as soon as possible. You don't have go out of your way for me," Allison heedfully declined.

"It won't take long," the emperor said. He got up and asked a servant to bring him a coat and then placed it on Allison's shoulders. They then went out of the Violet Cloud Hall and headed for Allison's residence.

Once Allison and the emperor arrived at the door of the residence, they caught sight of Alston accompanied by several imperial guards. Alston must have come here for a reason.

The emperor thought it was rather strange to see Alston outside Allison's residence, and likewise, Alston was surprised to run into both of them. He wondered why Allison was with the emperor. She should have been with Rocky right at this moment. 'Does she know what I'm planning? Did she bring the emperor here to capture me? If so, who is that woman inside the residence? Am I in her trap now?'

Alston anxiously thought to himself, growing worried. His face was pale with fear.

"Alston, what are you doing here?" The emperor asked. He was wondering why Alston looked like he just did something bad.

"I just got a message that someone suspicious appeared here. So I decided to bring some imperial guards to check on it." Alston casted a glance at Allison. He was beginning to have a feeling in the pit of his stomach. He had a bad hunch about the situation. However, despite the chaos that he was feeling inside, he pretended to look calm.

"I see." The emperor nodded.

Suddenly, a scream came out from inside Allison's residence.

"Lena!" Allison exclaimed.

"Lena? Consort Allison, are you saying Lena is inside your residence?" Alston was frozen with shock.

"Let's go inside." The emperor looked at Allison and walked towards the residence in big strides.

Allison followed him and Alston quickly caught up beside them.

They almost flung the door off its hinges as they frantically stepped inside the residence. They then saw the naked figure of a girl lying on the bed through the flimsy curtain. She looked petrified. Sitting up beside her lying form was a strong naked body.

"Lena, please! Listen to me!" Rocky pleaded. However, Lena kicked him off the bed. Lena wrapped herself up with the quilt. Trembling and eyes filling up with tears, she exclaimed, "What did you do to me, Basil?" She vaguely remembered that something happened between her and Rocky, but she found it hard to admit to herself because she never expected that Rocky would ever do anything like that to her. But aside from a few blurred memories, she could not remember anything at all. She could not even remember how she ended up in that situation. Her last memory was that Allison sent her to the bed.

"Lena, listen to me," Rocky pleaded once more, much calmer this time. He was also confused. He remembered that Lena was the one who seduced him. Lena was not acting like her normal self, but he did not know why he lost his self-control.

However, before Rocky was able to say another word, a figure dashed towards him and a fist flew into his stomach. He was knocked against the wall before falling onto the floor.

Rocky felt a cramp in his chest and blood immediately spilled out from his mouth. He looked up and saw Alston glaring at him angrily. He quickly got to his feet and sized Alston up. "What are you doing here?" he asked.


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