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Rebirth of the Prime Dragon Master novel Chapter 11

Alston was a spirit manipulator who had reached the third grade of the Supernal Stage. He was at the very top of the rank of the young generation of the Holy Dragon Empire. He had succeeded in acquiring the dragon spiritual power from a Dragon Spirit Bead when he was only twelve. It was rare to see someone at such a tender age become a royal spirit manipulator. Everyone in the land considered him a God-given genius. Although Alston was only thirty now, he had surpassed many experienced spirit manipulators who had worked hard for their entire life. It was undeniable that he was the best of the best.

Rocky, however, hadn't even reached the first grade of the Mortal Stage even though he had attained the dragon spiritual power from the Holy Dragon Bead. Compared with Alston, Rocky was only a talentless spirit manipulator.

None of them would even consider the possibility of Rocky surpassing Alston someday. They all thought that no matter how long he practiced and how hard he worked, he would never reach his brother's level.

Rocky's claims were ridiculous. They now looked at him as if he was a lunatic.

When Alston heard what he said, a scornful smile crept over his lips. He showed no concerns or care. After all, Rocky was nothing to him. Alston didn't want to waste his time on such a minor being like his pathetic brother. After shooting Rocky a cold glare, Alston left right away.

The other princes looked at Rocky with disgust before they turned and pompously followed Alston out.

"Let's just see!" Rocky murmured angrily as he looked at Alston's back. Rage surged in his chest as he clenched his teeth.

Alston's departure announced the end of this show, so the other members of royalty present left the Grand Dragon Hall as well.

"Attention, please! Except the last one, the others and you follow me!" said Priest Dean when he walked in front of the twenty nine young men who had obtained the dragon spiritual power. As talking, he glanced at those young men and turned to Rocky, glowering at him.

Priest Dean then walked out of the Grand Dragon Hall, and the twenty nine young men followed up at once.

Rocky was at the end of the line, lost in the thought about how he could possibly grow stronger.

After Rocky left, Shirley walked to where he had been standing, clenching her fists. She talked to herself, glaring at Rocky's back, "That asshole! He has obtained the dragon spiritual power from the Holy Dragon Bead, but so what? He is still a piece of shit! Nothing changes! But things have taken an interesting turn now. I will have more chances to teach him a good lesson in future. You will regret what you said to me soon, asshole!"

Rocky and the twenty nine young men followed Priest Dean and got into several large carriages after exiting the Hall.

They started off at once, wasting no time to begin their journey. After a while, they reached their destination.

Rocky was greeted with the sight of peculiar architecture, which consisted of numerous cubes of different sizes. He and the other young men walked after Priest Dean and entered the building.


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