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Rebirth of the Prime Dragon Master novel Chapter 131

While resting to replenish his strength, Rocky used the Frozen Wind Dagger to cut down thick branches from the forest. Using his knowledge about weaponry, he sharpened each front end one by one to make a simple spear. He then distributed the branches to Thor and other manipulators including Zander.

"This is just a broken stick. What harm can it even do?" Zander said with a snort, showing obvious disinterest in this simple weapon. Undeterred with his companions' reactions, Rocky said, "You will know soon enough." Rocky put on a stern expression and directly inserted the wooden stick on the ground in front of Zander. He then quietly stood there, watching the surrounding environment warily.

The leaves on the trees around them suddenly moved, making a rustling sound. The once peaceful surroundings now became violent as the force of the wind continuously increased.

Upon seeing this strange situation, all the spirit manipulators immediately came to realize that something eerie was about to take place, and they could not help but feel wary and terrified.

At the far off distance, Rocky could see something fast and huge coming towards them. "The beast is coming towards us!" Rocky said. He then immediately picked up a torch to illuminate their surroundings.

All of a sudden, the spirit manipulators saw a huge shadow that suddenly jumped out from another direction and appeared in front of Zander. Its speed was so fast that Zander could not dodge it in time. The manipulators saw the shadow's eyes glowing crimson. It looked wild and strong, with its huge arms and legs as powerful as a bear with a height as tall as an average adult. Under the reflection of the bonfire, everyone could vaguely see its body covered with orange fur, and its lower abdomen looked swollen. The wild beast gave off an indomitable presence, striking fear in those who dared challenge it. At this point, it was staring at Zander with malice. The beast slightly gasped, and its eyes were as cold as ice.

Frightened by the sudden appearance of the beast, Zander felt his whole body shivering. His legs quivered and he stood frozen for a long time as his body would not move. He could not yet absorb what was happening as his mind had yet to figure out the whole situation.

While the other spirit manipulators were also terrified by the appearance of the beast, they too were in the same predicament as Zander, stunned to stand there without taking any further action.

As Rocky observed the beast, his heart pounded. He was surprised to find that the breath released by it unexpectedly reached the level of Uriah. It must mean that the beast had the strength equivalent to that of a spirit manipulator at the first grade of the Earthly Stage. Rocky thought it was certainly a very difficult opponent to deal with.

By this time, the huge shadow had moved and directly jumped towards Zander to land a fierce attack. Startled and feeling a sense of urgency, Zander subconsciously stretched out his hand and grabbed the spear that Rocky previously inserted on the ground in front of him. He used the stick to defend himself from the beast's attack, but his whole body was pressed to the ground because he could not resist the huge impact of force from it. The other manipulators saw the beast opening its bloody mouth with an intention to bite Zander's head.

"What are you all doing? Shoot it! Quickly!" Rocky shouted once he saw Zander frozen in place.

Upon hearing Rocky's yell, Thor and the other spirit manipulators finally came back to their senses. They quickly picked up the sharp spears that Rocky gave them and threw them directly towards the beast.

The beast felt the weapons coming at him from all directions, so he stopped biting towards Zander and immediately waved its huge claws to shoot away all the attacks.

While the beast concentrated on defending itself, Rocky had quietly appeared on the other side of the beast. The spiritual light shone on his hand, and he injected the spiritual power at the Earthly Stage into his dagger. He then used it to stab the beast in its forelimbs, leaving a fierce blood mark. Soon enough, the beast was covered in its own blood.

Prior to the attack, the beast seemed to have no idea that the person who attacked it was actually hiding the strength of the Earthly Stage. It was only under carelessness and ignorance that it was successfully attacked by Rocky. The beast growled in pain at once, and angrily waved its paws at Rocky who had ambushed him.

Before the beast's paws could injure him, Rocky had taken the opportunity to dodge the vicious attack, making its paws brush past him. It could have cut Rocky's shoulder in half, had the attack hit him. He then grabbed Zander who was lying on the ground, and quickly returned to the side of the other spirit manipulators.

The present spirit manipulators never thought that Rocky could launch a sneak attack against the beast successfully. He not only rescued Zander from its attack, but he was also unscathed. The spirit manipulators felt stunned and now saw Rocky in a new light.

"Let's get out of here at once!" Rocky yelled at the other spirit manipulators in shock. They finally came back to their senses and realized that they were not fully safe from their predicament. After seeing the bloodthirsty nature of the beast and the terror of its power, they were urgent to escape. Terrified and horror-stricken, they hurriedly ran to a far distance for fear of being attacked by the wild beast again.


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