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Rebirth of the Prime Dragon Master novel Chapter 133

"I can't believe it. It's you! Why you didn't die?" Zander was dumbfounded when he saw the person in front of him. He was terrified out of his senses.

Zander thought that it was impossible he could have survived, yet the person standing in front of him was none other than Rocky.

"Why can't I live?" Rocky replied with a sneer. Rocky was not only able to save the lives of Zander and the others, he was also able to save his own life. Using the clothes they had taken off, Rocky had successfully diverted the attention of the spirit-manipulated beast from him. Then, he managed get himself to safety. While Zander and the others had to run for their lives all night long, Rocky took his time and even managed to sleep for a while.

Rocky easily recognized Marin. It was the beautiful lady who had bathed in the beast stable that day. He remembered how he was sexually aroused upon seeing her figure. When he saw her now, she was beautifully-dressed and was being escorted by the big crowds surrounding her. 'Zander called her commander before. If Zander was not mistaken, she must be the Commander in the northeast military camp. I didn't expect her to look so young and beautiful. It seems that she is in the possession of the war dragon. It was very clear that she is above the Heavenly Stage. Luckily for me, I didn't perform sexual acts on her that day. Otherwise, if this stunning beauty had beaten me up, my tortured flesh must have been torn to shreds.' Rocky thought to himself.

At the same time, Marin also recognized Rocky. 'It was him who peeped at me when I was at the beast stall!' Marin thought, her face flushing in an unusual way. Marin looked into Rocky's eyes and saw him staring at her lustfully. Marin subconsciously adjusted her clothes and her hair.

"Rocky, you're still alive. That's great. Zander has invented a tale about you. He told us that you were disobedient with the orders. It was obviously a total fabrication. It was you who saved our lives! Can you imagine how absurd he is? This thick-skinned Zander is even hoping to receive a reward. And the others, they are drunken brutes." Thor and Joss told Rocky. They were delighted to see that Rocky had come back alive and kicking.

"Forget it! Don't say any more about it. I am glad you two are fine. I don't care about the others," Rocky replied. He took Zander's words and deeds lightly.

Rocky did not realize that his reply had caused a stir. Others all knew that Zander was afraid of death. How could he have kept his composure in the face of danger and managed to avoid the spirit-manipulated beast, and at the same time, lead the sixth squad to flee to safety?

Marin also seemed a bit suspicious about Zander. She glanced at Rocky. Then, she looked at Zander sharply, as if shooting daggers at him. Zander looked guilty at that moment. Marin walked up to a spirit manipulator and asked in a hushed tone, "Who is telling the truth? You should all know that if anyone of you wants to receive a reward, don't hesitate to ask for it. But if anyone of you dares to lie to me and cheat me, I will never spare you from punishment!"

The spirit manipulators of the sixth squad were terrified to their bones when they heard Maria's statement. They all were shaking with terror as they pleaded with Marin in a trembling voice, "Commander, please have mercy and spare our lives. We simply have no choice at that time. In fact, it was Rocky who had saved our lives. He told us to hide in the mire, and he risked his life to lure the spirit-manipulated beast away. Thanks to Rocky, we managed to escape death."

After hearing the spirit manipulators' explanation, Zander was as white as a sheet. He tried to justify himself, "Commander, I am being framed. Please don't believe a word of it."

"Take Zander out and give him fifty strokes with the bamboo, fine him three months' wages, dismiss him from the post of the squad leader of the sixth squad and transfer him to the logistics office to work as a manual scavenger!" Marin ordered. There was no question about the rights and wrongs of the case.

"Commander, please have mercy and spare my life. I am wrong, it was my fault entirely." Zander fell on his knees and cried for mercy. Despite his continuous begging, several warriors held him and took him outside. Moments later, piercing screams were heard from outside.

At that moment, Rocky became the center of attention. All the spirit manipulators couldn't believe that Rocky, a good-for-nothing spirit manipulator who was just at the level of the third grade of the Mortal Stage, had unexpectedly kept his composure in danger and led the sixth squad to walk out of the Maze Forest. Was it a complete shot in the dark?

Even Marin looked at Rocky differently. Because there were so many witnesses and practicing fraud was impossible. Besides, the third squad and the fifth squad suffered heavy casualties, which contrasts sharply with the sixth squad which Rocky had led. If Rocky had no real ability, he couldn't have led the sixth squad to walk out of the Maze Forest.

Marin had a high opinion of Rocky's work abilities. She thought that although Rocky's combat capacity did not meet expectations, he could still keep his composure in danger and do things in an organized way. Of course, he was a Peeping Tom.

"In view of your performance, I appoint you acting leader of the sixth squad. The third squad and the fifth squad have underperformed. Fine them one months' wages and give the squad leaders of the third squad and the fifth squad a grave demerit respectively. If they dare underperform again, I will dismiss them from their post!" Marin announced, surprising everyone. At first they shared confused glances. Afterwards, they felt irritated.


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