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Rebirth of the Prime Dragon Master novel Chapter 144

At the moment, however, Rocky wasn't very enthusiastic. If they took these three guys back, those in the camp would find out that he had hidden his real strength. If he had known about what would have happened, he would have killed these three robbers right away. But right now, his team members' faces were radiating with joy, as if they had just come upon a treasury. Rocky couldn't think of an excuse to prevent them from taking the three guys captive and bringing them back. It would be suspicious to do so, and besides, for Thor and other spirit manipulators who had not already made a significant contribution, a small achievement like this one would be enough to satisfy them for the rest of their lives.

After a moment of hesitation, Rocky looked at the Three Powers at the Gehenna Border who lay unconscious in the rubble and directed, "Tie them up and gag them with a piece of cloth."

On hearing this, all the spirit manipulators of the sixth team immediately gathered around the three unconscious robbers and did as he instructed. They threw them into the hay cart together.

After finishing this, all members of the sixth squad continued on their way.

After they passed through the canyon safe and sound, the next part of the journey went very smoothly for them. After climbing a continuous and undulating section of a hillside, they walked for several more miles, before Rocky told everyone to take a rest and recover their strength. They had to restore their energy enough to cope with any unexpected obstacles that might come their way.

At this time, the Three Powers at the Gehenna Border slowly began to come to their senses. Finding out that they had become prisoners, they immediately struggled like captured fish. Since their mouths were jammed with cloth, they whined desperately to get the others' attention, and they glared at Rocky in great terror.

When Rocky saw the Three Powers at the Gehenna Border wake up, he immediately took a look at the other spirit manipulators who were still at rest and found that they were not paying attention to the situation here. Then he immediately went to the Three Powers at the Gehenna Border and stared at them murderously. "You would be wise to treat what happened just now as if it had not happened. I want you to remember that heavy stones fell on you while you were robbing the hay truck. If you cooperate with me obediently, your lives will at least be saved, but if you can't keep your mouth shut, I can't say for sure what terrible things will happen to you. One thing I can make sure of is that your mouths will be shut forever without anyone so much as noticing. Are we clear? Just nod to let me know that you are willing to obey my orders."

Upon hearing this, the Three Powers at the Gehenna Border glared at Rocky and they broke out in a cold sweat. It was obvious that they were deeply fearful. After exchanging glances of panic, they nodded quickly.

Seeing that the three men would cooperate with him obediently, Rocky nodded with satisfaction and then turned away.

After resting for half an hour, members of the sixth team continued on their way and finally arrived at the outpost on the west side of the front line before dark. This outpost was located in a barbarian land, dry and barren like a desert. Rocky and the others looked around and found out that it was seemed to be totally bare, with not even a blade of grass to be seen. Under the setting sun, it looked even more desolate.

At this moment, looking from the outpost to the other side, they could see an area beyond the borders of the Holy Dragon Empire without jurisdiction. There was a lot of smoke and gunfire, and the sound of killing was deafening. It seemed that a bloody and fierce battle was taking place there right now.

Wars, large and small, took place almost every day on this frontier. It was quite common that even if an ongoing war hadn't even come to an end yet, another one would start again. Sometimes, there would be scenes of chaos and fighting among many countries. Everything was very gruesome and bloody.

It was more common to see dead bodies than living ones. The fields where wars went on all year round had all been stained red with blood. Even if the ground was dug up three feet deep, it would still only yield ghastly streams of dark blood and the bones of the dead who had already been forgotten a long time ago.

The cruelty of the Gehenna Border was far beyond the imagination of people living in comfort zones where wars were a distant dream.

Rocky ordered the sixth team to unload the hay. Since it was getting late, and the outpost area was a gathering point for all kinds of spies to ambush and gather information, no one knew for sure how many pairs of eyes were staring at the movements in the outpost late at night. Therefore, after unloading the hay, the sixth team spent the night there.

The escort mission had gone much smoother than Rocky had expected, with the exception of the encounter with the Three Powers at the Gehenna Border. In addition, the sixth squad had also made an achievement in catching the Three Powers at the Gehenna Border, who were listed as extremely wanted criminals.

Of course, the Three Powers at the Gehenna Border had actually hurled themselves willingly into the trap. They would not have been arrested if they hadn't underestimated the sixth team and thought that its members were pathetically weak. It was a great misfortune for them to run into Rocky, a secretly powerful spirit manipulator.

In the afternoon, the sixth team had already crossed the canyon and entered the jurisdiction of the northeast military camp. For all intents and purposes, they were already very safe.


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