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Rebirth of the Prime Dragon Master novel Chapter 153

Now that Rocky had found the odd red light in his spiritual flame, he used his skills to try and separate the red light from it. Hours had passed by, and sweat was trickling down his face as he tried to separate it in vain. It seemed that the red light was completely fused with his spiritual flame. He couldn't separate it or manipulate it, no matter how hard he tried. His failure to separate the red light also meant that he was currently unable to use the spiritual power of the red light, which represented the nature of Fire.

"It seems that without the power of the Holy Dragon Bead, it is impossible to manipulate the power of the red light. It can be only manipulated by the dragon spiritual power," Rocky murmured to himself. Yet, he was unwilling to give up so easily. He concentrated long and hard and began to try other ways to do it. Yet, after making several attempts, he was still unable to separate the red light from his spiritual flame. Rocky knew he had to give up trying for now as he had a more pressing matter to deal with at that moment. So, he put it aside and then continued to absorb the spiritual power of the Dark Heaven Egg at the medium grade.

He kept absorbing such spiritual power for about a whole night. He concentrated on absorbing the spiritual power and he could feel it flowing through his veins.

The sky was still gray and the sun hadn't risen yet when a nebula light bright like a yellow jewel began to shine abruptly. It came inside the col where Rocky was hiding for his secret cultivation. The streams of its halo which were like ripples on the lake spread around the area. Meanwhile, countless sand and stones were floating around and continued to revolve around slowly under the influence of the spreading nebulae light.

The next second, within the nebulae light, Rocky opened his eyes abruptly. His eyes turned sharp and fierce. His heartbeat quickened and his whole body pulsed with power.

Boom, boom, boom...

The moment Rocky opened his eyes, the sand and stones floating in the air exploded like they were out of control. Immediately, the sand fog was spreading all over the sky. Afterwards, the light of the nebulae continued to fade slowly, and the breath of a spirit manipulator at the second grade of the Earthly Stage appeared in an instant. Through the help of the spiritual power of the Dark Heaven Egg and a night's hard practice, he finally finished his cultivation and reached the second grade of the Earthly Stage.

"This Dark Heaven Egg is really awesome!" Rocky exclaimed. He could feel the energy coursing through his veins. Despite his excitement, he soon regulated his breathing and calmed his body so that nobody would find out his real strength. After composing himself, he jumped out of the rock where he was sitting.

Uriah, Rocky's war beast, was lying aside to take care of Rubygon. It sensed that its master had made a breakthrough in his strength and immediately roared excitedly, "Howl!" Even Uriah was excited that Rocky had made such progress.

'Unexpectedly, a Dark Heaven Egg at the medium grade could offer me quite enough spiritual power that I needed to reach the second grade of the Earthly Stage. But now there's only one left. It seems that if I want to make a breakthrough and reach the third grade, I have to get some more Dark Heaven Eggs. Even getting the ones at the primary grade will be fine for me. To get more of the Eggs, I have to start my plan right away, ' Rocky thought.

In fact, when he helped to cure Jackson's wound yesterday, he had already thought of a good plan. Since the magical saliva had a special attraction to the Dark Heaven Insects, he could use it to capture more of them and breed them secretly. In this way, he would have enough Dark Heaven Eggs to improve his strength and finally reach the Heavenly Stage.

Of course, even though he had figured out such a good plan, it was very difficult to implement it. He also had to be very careful to make sure no one would figure out what he was doing. The whole plan would be very tricky. The nests of the Dark Heaven Insects could have been anywhere under the Gehenna Boarder, and according to some historical records along with Rocky's calculation, there were less than 20 Dark Heaven Insects in the whole Gehenna Border. Therefore, it was very difficult to locate where these nests of the Dark Heaven Insects were. It was impossible to dig the whole Gehenna Border to search for the Dark Heaven Insects. In addition, this was only the first problem to be solved. More tricky problems would definitely occur once he carried out his plan. He had to be able to foreshadow the possible problems he might encounter.

Fortunately, Rocky was actually from the modern world. He was equipped with modern knowledge and ideas that people in his current world would have a hard time imagining. So despite all the possible difficulties, he already had some ideas about how to find the nests of the Dark Heaven Insects.

After leaving the col with Uriah and Rubygon, he returned to the village in the east to ask Sue for help in taking care of his Rubygon. After that, he took Uriah back to the military camp, and then found Thor and Joss.

"Captain, where have you been? We've been looking for you all morning," Thor and Joss said eagerly. As soon as they saw Rocky, they looked like they saw a living god. Their smiles were so wide that it reached their eyes. The only difference was that they didn't kneel down and worship Rocky. Their worship, of course, was because Rocky had rescued them several times and already became a very famous figure in the military camp.

Rocky rolled his eyes and asked, "Thor, does the sixth squad have any patrol task today?"

"Yes, we have. We were about to look for you and report to you about that, Captain…" Thor said and nodded at once.

"All right! You two gather the other spirit manipulators now and we'll set out for the task immediately. By the way, ask everyone to bring a spade, a rope and a hook..." Rocky nodded and ordered. His plan was already in place. Being a captain did come in handy for situations like this. He didn't choose to be captain, but he might as well use its benefits.

"Captain, why do we need to bring these things?" Joss asked curiously. He thought those things were not useful for the patrol task. Rocky narrowed his eyes. They shouldn't ask too much about his intentions.

"Why do you have to ask? Just follow my order. I'll wait for you at the gate of the military camp. You all meet me there within five minutes!" Rocky said sternly. He then took Uriah to the gate at once.


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