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Rebirth of the Prime Dragon Master novel Chapter 163

"I have a secret letter with me. Originally, I was planning to send it to the outpost. However, it seems that I don't have to do that now. I'll give it to you if you can let me off. With this secret letter, you can get everything you need. Otherwise, I'll destroy it..." Rocky said to the hired spirit manipulators led by the man with red hair. As he deliberately spoke, he drew out the last secret letter from his chest.

Hearing Rocky's words, the hired spirit manipulators' eyes all flashed, staring intently at the secret letter in Rocky's hand. Their faces were flushed with greed.

The man with red hair gave him an evil smile and said, "That's a deal. Give me the secret letter, you bastard, and I will give you a chance to live!"

"Done! You can send a man to take it from me. Only one is enough," Rocky replied as he stepped back, holding up the secret letter to distance himself from the hired spirit manipulators.

"Morris, you go and take it for us. Remember! Be nice to him. Don't scare him away..." the man with red hair said to one of his men, discretely shooting him a wink. The man, whose power was at the fifth grade of the Mortal Stage, was so fearsome that he looked like a demon.

Realizing the real meaning of the man with red hair, Morris burst out piercing laughter. Then he walked towards Rocky, who was still stepping back. In this way, they walked about two hundred meters in total before Rocky stopped.

"Lad, come on! Give me the secret letter and get away!" Morris hooted.

"Alright." Rocky straightforwardly passed the secret letter to him.

Morris came very close to Rocky in a big stride and looked as though he was about to take the secret letter from Ricky's outstretched hand. However, in a flash, his tattoo-covered arm reached out, nimbly changed its path, and hit Rocky's chest instead.

At the moment, seeing Morris had prevailed, the other hired spirit manipulators all broke into laughter. They believed that Rocky was doomed. However, while they were hooting with glee at the success of their scheme, Rocky cracked a wicked grin. With the aura of his spiritual power suddenly surging high, Rocky quickly caught Morris' arm before he realized what happened to him. Crack! It was the telltale sign of an arm totally fracturing.

Morris couldn't help but utter a heartrending scream and clutch his arm in disbelief. Without a moment's delay, Rocky gripped his throat and wrenched it with a little strength. As he did so, Rocky glared coldly at the other hired spirit manipulators. The force had twisted Morris' head askew, blood spraying from his mouth. In an instant, Morris collapsed on the ground, as dead as a doornail.

"Morris..." The other hired spirit manipulators were all stunned at the scene. How was it possible that Morris, whose power was at the fifth grade of the Mortal Stage, had been killed with such ease!?

"You bastard, who are you?" the man with red hair questioned in astonishment. He realized that Rocky's aura became much stronger than before.

"Follow me if you want to know the truth," Rocky said ominously, before he turned quickly away with Uriah.

"Brother, what should we do?" The other hired spirit manipulators all looked at the man with red hair, looking forward to his orders.

"Of course, we'll never let him off. How dare he kill Morris? We must tear him to shreds or our reputations will be damaged!" the man with red hair bellowed, fuming with rage. He immediately rushed in the direction Rocky had gone.

The other hired spirit manipulators also went after him.

Rocky and Uriah ran wildly the whole way until they entered a humid jungle. He had planned to trap these hired spirit manipulators in this area.

After all, it was the place where Rocky had long since deduced to be another habitat of the Dark Heaven Insect.

"Uriah, go distract the man with red hair with the magical saliva. Play with him and buy time. See if you can lure a Dark Heaven Insect out. I will deal with the other men first," Rocky said to Uriah. Except for the man with red hair, the others were no match for him. Thus, he decided to finish off them first. That was why he needed Uriah to act as a distraction. In this way, he could concentrate on the other hired spirit manipulators and fulfill his plan.

After giving the order to Uriah, he opened the bottle with a drop of the magical saliva and tore a strip off his sleeve to fasten it to Uriah's leg.

Then Uriah gave a howl and ran away like the wind.


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