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Rebirth of the Prime Dragon Master novel Chapter 165

Even though Rocky got the Dark Heaven Insect with extreme ease and now bred it in captivity, he still couldn't get the Dark Heaven Egg that easily. The process wasn't fast and easy that there would be no instant results. It took time and patience. According to the description in the Beast Encyclopedia, the production of one Dark Heaven Egg at the primary grade by a three-star Dark Heaven Insect at the first level would take one month. Sometimes, it could even take two or up to three months if the production process was slow, not to mention the production time for the Dark Heaven Egg at the medium or the premium grade, which definitely would be much longer. Rocky certainly did not expect to wait this long.

'It looks like I need to catch a few more Dark Heaven Insects to produce more eggs. With only one to produce egg, I am afraid that it can't produce enough eggs to meet my demand for cultivation. If I have several of them, then the situation will be totally different. I can breed them simultaneously and produce more eggs in a short amount of time. Moreover, I definitely should spend some time studying how to speed up the production of a Dark Heaven Egg. If I can do that, I can shorten my waiting time and efficiently produce more eggs...' Rocky thought deeply as he examined the Dark Heaven Insect, who could not move in front of him. It looked like a statue by the way it was paralyzed. Even though relying on his knowledge about the modern science and technology couldn't make the Dark Heaven Insect produce the Dark Heaven Egg instantly, he still could shorten the time of producing the Dark Heaven Egg. He could also improve the production efficiency, as long as he bred the Dark Heaven Insect scientifically, like arranging appropriate diet, improving its living environment and so on.

It took him a great amount of effort to capture the Dark Heaven Insect alive, and the man with red hair even inadvertently helped him to capture it. Even though he didn't mean to help him at all, Rocky wouldn't have been able to capture the Dark Heaven Insect without him. Therefore, if Rocky wanted to capture another one alive by himself, he knew he had to carefully make a long-term plan and be fully prepared. The wheels in his head were already turning as he came up with plans in his head.

The bone arrow stained with the Centipede-snake's venom was enough to make the Dark Heaven Insect lose its mobility for a few days. Since it was too paralyzed to move, it was safe to keep it in the cave alone. Rocky felt assured and then got out of the cave through the path he found last time. When he arrived on the ground, he immediately cut off some dense branches and leaves with his Frozen Wind Dagger to cover the entrance of the path. He had to make sure that it was hidden and secure. After that, he returned to the deserted village to pick up his war beast, Uriah. Without any hesitation, he displayed his Nebula Cloud Transformation skill to destroy the entrance of the cave, so that nobody could find the Dark Heaven Insect hidden in the cave.

To add more precaution, Rocky concealed the traces left by Dark Heaven Insect near the deserted village. When he was satisfied by the lack of traces in the area, he returned to the military camp with Uriah.

As soon as he walked into the military camp, Rocky sensed the atmosphere was not the same as usual. Everyone looked a bit worried, as if something bad had happened. He was greeted with furrowed eyebrows and worried glances. He could also hear the murmurs of the spirit manipulators as they whispered with each other.

"Captain..." Rocky heard a sad voice call his name. When he looked up, he saw Thor and Joss appear in front of him with a twisted look on their face, as if they both wanted to laugh and cry. They looked conflicted with emotions, terrified but at the same time relieved that Rocky had made it back.

"Captain, you are finally back. We heard that you went out for a mission. Did you encounter any danger on your way? We were worried about you so much." Thor and Joss immediately surrounded Rocky and examined him carefully, as if they feared that Rocky would be badly injured. They checked his body for any possible injuries, and when they saw that Rocky didn't have a single scratch on him, they breathed a sigh of relief.

Rocky was completely confused by their strange behaviors. He then tapped the two men on their heads and said, "Why are you so surprised to see me back? What happened?"

"Oh, right, Captain, you still don't know what happened. Let me fill you in. An outpost on our front line was attacked, and the soldiers and the spirit manipulators stationed there were all dead," Joss exclaimed exaggeratedly, and his eyes widened as if to highlight the gravity of what happened. He waited to see Rocky's reaction.

"Oh, I see," Rocky responded lightly. Of course, he knew about the incident, but he didn't expect the news to be spread around so soon.

"And... and... two spirit manipulators' corpses were found near the outpost. They looked like spies from the Timber Deity Empire, but nobody knows who had killed them," Thor continued slowly. They waited for Rocky's expression to change as if they were expecting him to look surprised.

However, Rocky remained silent and narrowed his eyes but his expression was calm. The revelation did not surprise him at all. Why would it when it was him who killed the two spies.

"Captain, how come you have no reaction about it at all?" Thor and Joss asked strangely when they saw Rocky was so calm. Obviously, this was not the reaction they were expecting. Not even a single bone in his whole body twitched when he heard the news.

"What kind of reaction should I have? You are simply telling me that some people have been killed. It's no big deal," Rocky said indifferently. His tone and reaction showed that he could not care less about what happened.

"Captain, I am telling you, if this kind of event keeps occurring, it must mean that something big is going to happen. Maybe the war between our Empire and the Timber Deity Empire would erupt. If that happens, we may have to be sent to the front line. If we went to the front line, our chances of survival is very slim. Do you know what that means? There's a high chance that we would never come back alive," Joss said. He obviously looked terrified. His eyes widened exaggeratedly as he imagined the horrifying possibility. However, this did not terrify nor disturb Rocky at all.

"If you are so afraid of death, then you'd better go home and be a farmer again," Rocky responded impatiently. He didn't have the time to talk about it further. After that, he went to Marin's camp to report to her about his mission.


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