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Rebirth of the Prime Dragon Master novel Chapter 167

After departing from Marin's camp, Rocky returned right away to his room to leave some of his belongings. After a few minutes of rest, he walked directly to the village in the east to pick up Rubygon.

In the village, Rocky happened to run into Jackson, who had just come back from the market in a carriage.

"Rocky, nice to see you here! The goods you asked me to sell for you sold out quite quickly. They were very popular and almost everyone scrambled to buy them," Jackson said with a smile at the sight of his friend.

"That's good, thank you." Rocky nodded indifferently. It was as if he had already known it would happen.

Jackson stopped the carriage beside the sheepfold and stepped out of it. He approached Rocky and produced a small pouch out of his pocket, holding it out with a trembling hand. He handed it to Rocky and said, "This is the money I made from selling the goods. Over one hundred gold coins. I've never seen so much money before in my life! Oh, I kept them very carefully! I had them with me at all times. I was so worried that I would lose them otherwise!"

"Over one hundred?" Rocky's brow furrowed. He knew that the materials he had given Jackson were worth at least one thousand gold coins. But Jackson had lived his whole life in this village. He couldn't have known those were the materials from wild spirit-manipulated beasts at the Earthly Stage. So Rocky bit his tongue. He wasn't planning on keeping the money, anyway.

"Keep it, Jackson. This is what I owe you for Rubygon's milk," Rocky said, pushing the bag back into Jackson's hands.

"I can't take this! The milk is not worth so much money. Please take back it!" Jackson thrust the bag back quickly, his voice trembling.

But Rocky wouldn't take it. Both men were insisting the other take it when a high voice interrupted them.

"Grandpa, you're back! What are you two doing here?" Sue came out of the house, cradling Rubygon in her arms. Seeing Jackson and Rocky bickering about a small pouch, her curiosity was stirred. She walked up to them and snatched the pouch. Feeling its weight, she opened it and saw a plethora of golden coins.

"Wow! So much money!" Sue exclaimed, her eyes opening wide in surprise. She had never seen so much money before!

"Sue, give the pouch back to Rocky," Jackson told his granddaughter hastily.

"No, just keep it. It's my way to express my thanks to you and Jackson," Rocky said.

"Well, then I'll gladly keep it." Sue grinned widely and put it into her pocket happily.

"Sue, how could you do that!" Jackson protested, insistent that the money should end up going to Rocky.

"Grandpa, Rocky won't come here from tomorrow if we don't take it. Then I can't see Rubygon anymore. Now I can keep Rubygon by my side and have money. Why would I refuse?" Sue argued cleverly. She had come to figure out Rocky's personality quite well. She knew that if he was insistent on the money going to them, he would by no means take it back. She could tell that if they refused to take the money, Rocky would stop visiting them altogether.

"Your granddaughter is right." Rocky nodded, a hint of a smile on his lips.

Hearing that, Jackson cast an embarrassed glance at Rocky and heaved a sigh. He was worried about being given so much money.


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